
Marvel and DC superheroes step out from the screen: A series of “exact replicas” models surprise fans

Marvel and DC are famous “giants” of the entertainment industry. After decades, these two studios have created many superhero characters that are loved and accepted by audiences around the world. Recently, at SAURUS Coffee & Gallery coffee restaurant, the majestic Marvel & DC Festival will take place, promising to be a favorite destination for those…

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There is a lot of information about mobile games that carry the true quality of the legendary swordplay of the Vietnamese gaming industry in 2009

Up to this point, title swordplay game Born in 2009, it is still one of the legends of the Vietnamese gaming industry. Although it did not appear at the beginning of the market, this game still left deep marks in the hearts of gamers, especially “old” players, those in the 8x and 9x generations.​ ​…

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