Vietnam national team will compete at the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games (ASIAD 19)


At the department AIES Robot Sports, 06 countries and territories will participate in the performance competition, including Vietnam, Hong Kong (China), Thailand, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. The 05 members representing Vietnam participating in this sport all come from Lac Hong Universityone of the schools with many remarkable achievements in competitions related to technology and Robotics.


Specifically, Lac Hong University has won 03 Asia-Pacific Robocon Championships, 09 first prizes at the Vietnam Robocon competition and many other innovative technology and science awards. Responsible for leading the athletes to attend this event is coach Le Hoang Anh, who has more than 15 years of experience in Robotics competitions in Vietnam and internationally.

Experts evaluate AIES Robot Sports as a subject specializing in science and technology with digitalization, artificial intelligence and robot production as means of transportation and competition. This discipline requires tactical application and coordination between members to control Robots in competitive competition. In particular, athletes will have to choose one of four robots provided by the organizers to compete according to a certain set of rules and a specified time.

AIES Robot Sports team

Meanwhile, in AIES XR Sports, the Vietnamese team, including 05 key members, will compete with teams from Hong Kong (China), Thailand, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. The members representing Vietnam are all part of the virtual reality technology team Holomia with many years of experience.

AIES XR Sports will compete in an environment that combines VR, AR and MR, wide-space VR positioning, motion capture and other technologies in virtual space. Therefore, competitors will be completely immersed in the simulated environment. Athletes will gain points by shooting at each other’s energy armor, the person or team with the higher score within the allotted time will win. This subject requires physical strength, stamina as well as high tactical thinking to be able to coordinate with teammates.

AIES XR Sports team

The two performance sports at this year’s ASIAD are both jointly hosted by MIGU, a subsidiary of China Mobile Communications Group, and the Asian Electronic Sports Federation (AESF). The organizers hope these new content will help people understand more about how digital technology can seamlessly integrate with traditional sports, opening up new perspectives on a different aspect of sports. electronic Sports.


The demonstration event also marked the first time that technology and innovation-oriented sports competitions were included in continental games. Committee Olympics NOCs from many Asian countries and regions have shown great enthusiasm for their teams to participate in the demonstration event, including Vietnam. Vietnam Electronic Sports Entertainment Association (VIRESA) has been and continues to accompany the team members so that everyone has the best preparation and mentality to be ready to compete and win the highest ranking for the Vietnamese sports delegation attending the event. This.

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