Samurai Warriors 5the latest sequel to the series hack and slash game Samurai Warriors from Koei Tecmowill officially hit shelves on July 27 for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch. And to prepare for this important day, fans will have a week to experience the demo before deciding whether to buy the game or not.
Specifically, Samurai Warriors 5 will have a demo next Tuesday – July 20, with content including the first two stages of the main campaign. The trial period may not be long, but there are at least 4 playable characters, enough for you to gradually get used to the game before launch.
In addition to the four demo characters (Hideyoshi Hashiba, Toshiie Made, Tokugawa Ieyasu and No), the official release will also provide 33 more characters for players to unlock. Progress achieved during the testing period will also be saved and transferred to the official version, so if players decide to buy the game, they will not need to start from the beginning.
In a recent interview, Hisashi Koinuma, game director of Koei Tecmo, revealed that Samurai Warriors 5 will have up to 150-200 enemies appearing on the screen at the same time, depending on the platform. The game has no release plans for next-generation consoles, but it seems very desirable if a hack-and-slash masterpiece like Samurai Warriors 5 is available on these platforms.
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