Palworld – “Pokemon shooting game” scheduled to land on PC

Developer Pocketpair has just announced the launch date for the early access version of Palworld on Steam. Accordingly, players can experience the version PC of the game from January 19 and it is unknown how long this early access version will last.

Palworld is a game that has many similarities with Pokemon in terms of graphics as well as monster collecting gameplay but promises to bring a completely different experience. Accordingly, the game allows players to equip their Pal (monster) with weapons to be ready to participate in fierce matches. In addition, Palworld also has a large base construction system, but the people who have to work to build it, take care of the crops or run the factories in it are the monsters you catch. It can be said that players will have a strong team of workers who are always ready to listen and serve your interests.

Players can breed their Pals, combining their rare structures to create more unique and powerful creatures. If you’re in a hurry, just sneak into the local wildlife sanctuary and take a few out. Like the villainous share from the developer Rocketpair: “If you don’t get caught, it’s not a crime.”

Poaching in Palworld is completely acceptable, players can even join a poaching organization and freely shoot at these creatures to capture them. And when hungry, Pal can also become a delicious dish on your party table. These settings seem quite “dark” and caused controversy in the gaming community when Palworld was first announced. However, the familiar yet new world that the game promises to bring certainly still makes many people feel curious.

In the early access version, players will experience up to 100 monster species, 350 items and 70 building types. The developer will collect player opinions during this stage to complete the final product.​

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