OTA Network accompanies media with the national student e-sports tournament NSOC 2023

With more than 1,500 content creators developing cross-platform and social channels generating billions of views each month, OTA Network is the owner of the largest Gaming Creators communities in Vietnam and the first partner , official Facebook Gaming since 2018.

Possessing all those strengths, OTA Network always aims to contribute to the strong growth of the company eSports country through activities that create value for the community and bring eSports closer to society, especially to young people.

The most recent example is the media cooperation activities with the organizers Ocean Entertainment eSports (OEG eSports) to enhance the image of the national e-Sports tournament for students (NSOC 2023), begins competing at the end of September.

Official image of the NSOC 2023 National Student eSports tournament.

It is known that the NSOC 2023 tournament is a top e-sports playground, methodically and professionally organized with a total prize value of up to 1 billion VND. OTA Network not only accompanies communication work but also provides a network of quality KOLs and Gaming Creators, in accordance with the goals of NSOC 2023.

A representative of OTA Network spoke about media cooperation to spread the tournament’s image at the press conference.

Along with spreading the positive values ​​of Vietnamese e-sports, the presence and support of content creators or community channels from the OTA Network promises to create together with OEG eSports. an explosive e-sports event, a place to help young people express their passion and a place to exchange and connect the eSports community across Vietnam.

After the press conference announcing the start of the tournament at Novotel Hotel (No. 2 Thai Ha, Dong Da, Hanoi) on September 26, it is expected that NSOC 2023 will begin competing from September 30 – September 28. October 2023 in the two hottest games today, Valorant and League of Legends.

OTA Network representatives attended the press meeting to announce the launch of the NSOC 2023 tournament.

Introduction to OTA Network:

OTA Network is a network of leading content creators in Vietnam.

With the support of OTA network, many Content Creators have achieved outstanding achievements such as: Content Creator has the largest number of live viewers in the world with millions of views and many other achievements.

OTA Network aims to become the No. 1 multi-platform entertainment network in Vietnam with a diverse and quality content ecosystem for young audiences, as well as the No. 1 companion of social networking platforms. Top.

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