Nintendo’s lawsuit: An agreement was reached, the other side had to pay 2.4 million USD

Nintendo and the people behind the game emulator Yuzu agreed to settle the lawsuit after a brief civil dispute over allegations that the software allowed people to illegally download Tears of the Kingdom more than a million times.


On February 26, Nintendo filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court of Rhode Island against Tropic Hazethe company behind the Yuzu game emulator, for “circumventing” its protection measures Switch. In it, Nintendo alleges that Tropic Haze profited greatly from selling pirated copies of Switch games, including the hit 2022 RPG The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Now, in newly released legal documents, the two parties – Nintendo and Tropic Haze – appear to have come to an agreement to resolve the dispute.

According to records, Tropic Haze must pay Nintendo $2.4 million. The developers must also stop providing Yuzu and hand over the emulator’s website to Nintendo and not do anything similar in the future. In addition, they also have to hand over all modded Switch devices to the giant from Japan.


“This permanent injunction constitutes a binding order of the court and any violation of this order by the Respondent or its members shall subject the Court to full liability, including sanctions. , enforcement and fines,” the profile reads. It still needs judge approval, but if everything goes well, this will mark the end of Tropic Haze and Yuzu.

Tropic Haze also posted a letter following the deal with Nintendo.


This is a big blow to the community that wants to play Switch games on PC, which is not small because not everyone owns a Nintendo handheld. The Japanese game company has not yet provided any further comments.

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