Meet Win Chi – An unlucky guy determined to pursue his career as a Streamer

With positive income and open career opportunities, livestream games is currently the path chosen by many young people, Win Chi is also one of them. Not Streamer top with a large number of followers, but this guy from Bien Hoa is definitely one of the most special Streamers.

Although Win Chi is more disadvantaged than many other normal people, she does not become discouraged; on the contrary, it is the motivation for Win to strive harder. If you’ve ever seen it livestream of this 22-year-old male Streamer, you will certainly be impressed with the image of the guy using his chin and one hand to move the character, defeating countless opponents in the game. GameHub recently had the opportunity to chat with Win Chi to learn more about the advantages and difficulties that Win encountered when choosing to pursue this path.​


Win Chi’s real name is Nguyen Quoc Chi, currently living and working in Bien Hoa, Dong Nai. From 2015 to 2017, Win was a Raid player and had quite good achievements in his Clan. By 2019, everyone around him advised Win to try his hand at Streamer, which was also the opportunity that made him start paying attention to livestreaming. However, it was not until January 2021 that this 22-year-old man completely shifted his focus to livestreaming games.

Talking about his nickname “Win Chi”, the male Streamer freely shared:

Switching to livestreaming games is also an opportunity for Win Chi to get acquainted with many brothers in the profession such as Monkey 10, Bomman, Linhtibber, Fat Monkey… as well as to interact and make friends with everyone. However, choosing to become a Streamer also means facing many challenges, especially how to create interesting content for viewers, this is also something Win is always concerned about. However, instead of complaining or being discouraged by difficulties, this 22-year-old man finds joy from this, so for Win, “this Streamer job is not difficult at all.”​


During his career, Win Chi always received support from his family, initially only his mother, but then when he saw Win shooting grass prizes online, Win’s father also decided to support his son. Win was also fortunate to receive encouragement from relatives and friends around him.
I firmly believe that Win Chi’s determination and energy have been inspiring many people. Hopefully this strong guy will achieve more success on the path he has chosen.

Interested readers can follow Win Chi’s livestream at Fanpage:

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