Gamers exercise while defeating bosses in Elden Ring

Elden Ring is definitely a difficult game for many people, but one gamer took the challenge in this game to a new level when defeating the boss with remote controll Ring Fit. This is a special controller designed for players Ring Fit Adventureincludes Ring-Con and Joy-Con foot straps that sense movements and convert physical force into corresponding powerful attack actions in the game.


The above achievement was the highlight of Elden Ring Adventure’s two-hour livestream on February 28 streamer Louis ‘Super Louis 64’ Hamilton on Twitch. Viewers witnessed the streamer defeat Bloodhound Knight on his first try using a special controller. Hamilton has set up the controller to operate with a number of movements such as jogging in place to move the character and squatting to use a health potion.

The live broadcast began with Hamilton jogging on his canvas to use the controller to set up the Vagabond. Things went pretty well in the tutorial area, although Hamilton did take a few hits from the Soldier of Godrick. However, the first boss in the world Lands Between – Tree Sentinel seemed a bit too much for the streamer, so Hamilton skipped this boss and moved to other areas.


After warming up during his encounter with the Eldtree Burial Watchdog and other enemies, Hamilton finally encountered the Bloodhound Knight boss. Readers can watch this interesting livestream here.​

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