How To Build A Fast Track Board Game


Getting tired of the same old board games? Wanna make something cool and fun? Making your own board game can be a super fun way to keep yourself busy and give your friends a challenge. With a bit of creativity and some basic stuff, you can create a fast track board game that everyone will love. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to build your own fast track board game. You need to know what your board will look like, what pieces you’ll use and the rules for winning! So, let’s get rolling!

Grab Your Stuff

First off, you gotta collect all the things you’ll need for your awesome new game. Start by grabbing stuff like a ruler, scissors, and a pencil. Have these ready so you can easily measure and cut pieces of your game board as you need. You’ll also need supplies like tape and glue to stick together the different parts of your fast track game board.

On top of the stuff above, think about grabbing some colorful markers or paints to decorate the game board and make it look good. Choosing interesting things for the game pieces is another way to keep players hooked – don’t forget the dice! Try using different shapes and sizes for more fun when playing.


Once you’ve got everything, take time to spread out each piece and sort them into groups based on what’s needed during the game. This will make it easier when you’re ready to start building the actual game board. Doing this first lets you focus just on building when you’re ready – no annoying interruptions or distractions!

Draw the Board Layout

With a killer layout, you’ll have players addicted to your game! To draw the board, start by figuring out the basic game mechanics and strategy for the game. What’s the goal of the game? How do you win or lose? What’s the order of play? Once you’ve got these answers, you can start to sketch out your ideas. Using graph paper with grids can help you plan the layout’s size and different parts, like spaces for moving and rules for each kind of space.

The board should also have cool features that add surprise or excitement to your game. Think about adding secret passages between certain spaces or hidden cards that give players a boost. Creating clear paths with obstacles will make players have to think as they move around the board. This adds more fun and replayability to your fast track board game.

Having multiple ways to win lets players compete against each other while still having fun in their own way. Giving rewards throughout the game not only keeps players engaged but also rewards creative game tactics that don’t always win right away but often lead to surprises later in the game!

Make the Game Pieces

Making the game pieces is a fun part of the process, letting you bring your board to life and give players something real to play with! Depending on how complicated you want your game to be, there are a few different ways you can create the pieces. You can pick from ready-made pieces like dice or playing cards, or make more custom pieces like wooden blocks or magnets. If you’re feeling artsy, you could even make paper cutouts that fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. It’s totally up to you!

Creating unique game pieces will help keep players into the game and add more strategy. Think about how each piece interacts with others on the board: do they stack? Can they be moved around? What effects do they have on other pieces? Having a variety of interactive pieces adds more fun to the overall strategy of your fast track board game and makes it stand out from others.

No matter what kind of pieces you choose for your custom board, make sure everything is easy for players to understand so everyone can join in on the fun! Also think about the look of the game — colorful designs and cool shapes often draw attention and get players more engaged than plain designs. By paying attention to each detail, you’ll create an unforgettable gaming experience for everyone who plays!

Set the Rules


Setting the rules for your custom board game is a key step in making sure the game is fun and exciting for everyone. To start, you gotta set some boundaries so players know what they can and can’t do. This could be setting turn limits or saying how many pieces they can move each turn. Be sure to keep track of progress throughout the game, like who moved which pieces and how far they’ve gone. This makes sure everyone’s progress is recorded and accounted for.

You should also think about adding special cards to your game that let players take shortcuts or get a leg up on their opponents. These can be used by players to increase their chances of winning. Also, create unique levels and challenges within the game so it stays exciting for multiple plays – if someone gets stuck or bored at any point, they’re probably not coming back to your game! Lastly, design a reward system that encourages more play; maybe add rewards for completing certain tasks or reaching certain goals – this will keep people engaged and wanting to keep playing.

It’s important that you make rules for your custom board game that are easy to understand but still challenging enough to keep people wanting to play again and again. Keep things simple but don’t forget to add lots of opportunities for strategy within the game too; this way every player has an equal shot at winning!

Test and Play the Game

Now it’s time to test your game and let the fun start! Before you start, make sure all players know the rules and can come up with game plans. Get a group of friends or family who are up for testing your game for an hour or two. Set game time limits that work for everyone; this gives players enough time to understand the game, come up with strategies, and have some fun.

Once you’ve got everything set up, it’s time to play a few rounds of your board game. During each round, look for any problems with gameplay and clarity. For example, if a player is confused about what move to make next, chances are other players might be too. If some parts are too hard or too easy for players, make some changes. A good rule is not to change rules during the game so no one feels cheated out of winning by sudden changes.

At the end of each game, think about how well your fast track board game worked and make any changes before playing it again with different people. Listen carefully to what players say after each game and make changes where needed so everyone can have a smooth game with lots of strategic moves each turn!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to whip up a fast track board game?


Building a fast track board game ain’t too pricey. You can do it yourself, with a couple of supplies and a bit of clever thinking. Creating the game rules is key to making a cool and gripping experience for players. You’ll need stuff like cardstock, markers, dice, and a timer – all of which you can snag at most craft stores or online. With a bit of time and a creative touch, you can craft a fun game that won’t drain your wallet!

How much time does it take to craft a fast track board game?

Whipping up your own fast track board game can be a blast and a rewarding experience. Depending on how tricky your game is, it can take anywhere from a few days to a bunch of weeks or even months to assemble. Your game plan should include making game rules, creating cool designs for cards or boards, and testing the gameplay with buddies or family. If you know your way around craft supplies like cardstock, paints, markers and dice then you’ll have an easier time bringing your idea to life. With a bit of homework and planning in advance, you can create a unique fast track board game that’ll bring hours of fun for everyone!

What kind of stuff should I use for the game pieces?

Crafting the game pieces for your fast track board game is a key part of the process, and you’ve got a ton of options when it comes to stuff. You can buy ready-made bits or make them yourself with DIY materials. If you fancy making your own dice, use acrylic paint on wooden cubes and let them dry overnight. You might also want to toss in different shapes and sizes, and some cool designs to give each piece its own vibe. With a bit of creativity, making the perfect set of game pieces for your fast track board game will be a piece of cake!

How many players can get in on the game?

You can have up to six players in a game of Fast Track. If you go for teamwork, each player will need to join forces and brainstorm strategies that will help them score a win. Whether it’s a duo or a six-pack, the strategy brainstorming part is a must for success and needs everyone to get involved.

What age group is the game best for?

This fast track board game is a great fit for a whole range of ages, from kids to adults. Depending on the group vibes and how tough you want the game to be, this game can be tweaked for many different age groups. For instance, younger players might need more help and simpler rules while older players might want more of a challenge and freedom in their play. With its adjustable difficulty levels, this fast track board game has got something for everybody!

Wrap Up

You’ve now got a smashing fast track board game! All you gotta do is round up your pals and family, sit down, and get the game rolling. You’ll be blown away by how fast the game can get, as players zip across the board in no time. Get set for some serious rivalry – it’s sure to be a riot! With just a couple of easy steps, you’ve created a thrilling game that all ages will love. So what are you waiting for? Get your supplies, craft the pieces, lay down the rules – and let the fun times roll!