Young man cosplaying Kamen Rider with armor made from photos of 13 ex-girlfriends

An indispensable and important part of manga and anime exhibitions is certainly nothing else cosplay. Cosplay works ranging from characters to styles and colors are the most characteristic feature of exhibitions like this. A familiar character associated with the childhood of many children, the Kamen Rider usually okay coser selected for reproduction in the exhibition.

Recently, a young Japanese man caused a disturbance at the exhibition with his work cosplay Kamen Rider with extremely special armor. Some characters in Kamen Rider will use cards to transform, but instead of cardboard or any other type of paper, male coser This one uses photos of many different girls to make transformation cards. Responding to Twitter user @IRON_Ryuzaki’s comment, the male coser said that they were actually all photos of his ex-girlfriends, a total of 13 people. If this answer is true, surely the girls in the photo will not be happy!


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