VLTK1M: Attendance of 48 talented men participating in the 2021 Vo Lam Minh Chu Final Round

As expected by the organizing committee (BTC), the Qualifying Round Vo Lam Minh Chu took place on the 28th with the participation of thousands of excellent gamers from all over the country. Through many thrilling and breathtaking matches, the organizers have selected 48 of the brightest faces from the first 102 servers of the tournament. Martial Arts Legend 1 Mobile (VLTK1M) to enter the Final Round of the tournament.​


List of contestants who qualified for the Final Round of the Super Division

Among the players in the Final Round, there are many familiar faces to the VLTK1M community as they continuously appear on the game’s rankings. These are also potential “seeds” for this year’s Vo Lam Minh Chu position. We can take a look at some prominent names such as Thien_Tuong and HH-ChauVuong of Nhah Thang in the Super Division. These two players from S27 are currently ranked 4th and 8th on the game’s individual Binh Giap rankings.


List of contestants who qualified for the Final Round of the Senior Division

The Senior tournament also has the participation of many “dark horse” characters, promising to make things happen in this year’s tournament. First, we cannot help but mention BossBuff, a level 168 gamer from S87. TrumBuff is currently ranked 5th in the rankings of the Thuy Yen sect. Dang Bao Tue Lam, a contestant from Branch Thang, is also a formidable opponent in this Final Round. Dang Bao Tue Lam is a famous player in the Vo Dang gaming community, ranking in the top 5 list of the strongest players in this sect.

When hearing the name Vo Lam Minh Chu, surely many people will immediately think that this is a tournament for male gamers. However, that is a wrong judgment because in the Final Round of the tournament alone, we also saw the appearance of many “pink shadows” such as Bach-Tran, VoDang Su Muoi or Mai-Trinh Muoi. Our female gamers have proven that they are no less than “men” in every aspect. The clearest evidence for that is that both Bach-Tran and VoDangSu Muoi both dominate the top 20 individual rankings of the game. Meanwhile, Mai-Trinh Muoi is also a “lucky” character when occupying the 5th position of the strongest gamers of the Hoa Son sect.


With a list of contestants full of “stars” like this, the Vo Lam Minh Chu Final Round promises to bring extremely thrilling and dramatic battles. The Final Round of the tournament is expected to take place from December 4 to December 19. The organizers will organize a livestream to divide the matches at 3:00 p.m. on December 1 on the game’s official media channels. 48 gamers will be divided into 24 pairs and compete according to the drawn list.

For more detailed information about the Vo Lam Minh Chu tournament, readers can visit:

Home page: https://volamm.zing.vn/
Facebook Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/volamm.zing.vn
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/volamm.zing.vn

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