Vietnam’s jungle is named by foreign countries as the most notorious area in the gaming world at the moment

Helldivers 2 seems to be becoming the title action game hottest shooter on PC and PS5 right now, witnessing nearly 3 million copies sold and more than 200,000 online players at the same time. With a vibrant 4-player co-op mode, a crazy shooting style, and a massive Map system, it’s not hard to see that Helldivers 2 is becoming the first candidate for the title. best 2024.


As mentioned, one of the strengths of Helldivers 2 is the massive Map system, taking advantage of the context of the human army’s space conquest. There, each planet will have a different environmental and enemy characteristic, requiring gamers to coordinate well to survive the entire length of the mission. However, there are some planets that are becoming deathbeds that crush Helldivers 2 gamers, and the most notorious is Malevelon Creek.


Malevelon Creek truly has a “formula” that makes any army cry. Tropical jungle, shrouded in fog… and above all, “talking trees”. These trees in the Helldivers 2 universe are deadly robots that can hide in bushes and attack enemies anytime, anywhere. Because of its notoriety, Malevelon Creek is called “Robot Vietnam” by foreign gamers.


On social networking sites right now, gamers Helldivers 2 shared many images about “Robot Vietnam” when gamers had to grope in the dark forest, trying to destroy enemies that were almost “invisible”. Therefore, Vietnamese gamers also “joined in the fun” by saying that former American veterans should not watch or play this game, otherwise they will have to relive the haunting images of the past.

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