Trang Hy and her twisted love story: I thought I would be the romantic female lead, but instead…

This world on Valentine’s Day is often divided into two extremes: if you don’t show love, it’s like setting up an altar to pray for rain. However, there are still many FAs who choose to “put aside” the rain-praying instrument to make plans to “cut” their crush, striving to make this Valentine’s Day no longer lonely. That is the case of Trang Hy in her journey to pursue the hot internet boy Tun Hay Thoai (played by Son Soho) in the short film The Game Has No Fault, It’s Your Best Friend’s Fault by Martial Arts Legend Mobile manufacture. With a humorous expression, hitting the right psychology of young people – especially GenZ – Game No Fault, It’s Your Best Friend’s Fault not only brings moments of happy laughter but also makes the audience realize many interesting things. different in love.

Love comes naturally, but love doesn’t come naturally

Even though we know that love is a very instinctive feeling and nothing can force it, if we keep the attitude of waiting for love, it will be very difficult to find the other half of our life. Trang Hy represents the dynamic and confident GenZ generation, plus her desire to be loved is the motivation for her to try to become a compatible piece for her crush.

Being a hot face with a playful, even somewhat playful style, Trang decided to change her usual style and practice home economics because she knew that Tun liked feminine, gentle girlfriends.

Hot face Trang Hy decided to change her style from playful and humorous to modest and feminine

Or when she heard her crush announce that she would immediately date the Top 1 server in Vo Lam Truyen Ky Mobile, Trang immediately picked up the phone and asked Nam Cao Nhan – her close friend played by Ba Vinh – for advice.​

I heard you like PK, attacking cities with your lover. Even though you’re not good at it, you don’t lack the spirit to learn

Not following the romantic, sweet tooth decay motif like the usual Valentine movies, The Game Has No Fault, It’s Your Best Friend’s Fault brings a carefree love story, mixed with a bit of humor for young people. Filled with the breath of modernity, hot face Trang Hy’s journey to pursue that person is not only about simplicity and love without excuses, but also about the effort to dare to love and dare to do anything to touch the heart of her lover.​

The vibrations will help us strive to become a compatible piece for that person

Whether it’s love or soulmate, the most important thing is sincerity

But perhaps Trang’s plan to pursue love is not a good way, because things on social networks easily attract attention, but the essence is what holds a heart. The climax is the move of borrowing Nam’s account to admit that he is the Top 1 server of Vo Lam Truyen Ky Mobile in order to gain the right reputation and become Tan’s lover.


Perhaps when making this decision, even Trang herself didn’t think too much and simply found an excuse to pair up with her crush. But Trang forgot that Vo Lam Truyen Ky Mobile is not a sufficient condition for her to have love, but it is a necessary condition, a catalyst, a connecting environment to draw like-minded hearts closer together. . In a vast martial arts world, a place full of unexpected things, it will be the best place to make friends, find soulmates, and build relationships side by side after going into fiery battlefields or battles. success is difficult.

Love Has No Fault, Is It My Best Friend’s Fault Or Is It That I Haven’t Loved The Right Way?

In the exciting atmosphere of this year’s Valentine season, Love Has No Fault, It’s Your Best Friend’s Fault is a gentle gift from Vo Lam Truyen Ky Mobile along with Trang Hy, Son Soho and Ba Vinh to the general audience and gamers in particular. For those who have been in love, they can look back at themselves in the days of bravely pursuing happiness; and give more strength to those who are still timid – be confident, make efforts and pursue happiness with sincerity, love will not abandon you.

Do you have any plans this Valentine’s? A mind-bending PK match ends with a great love confession; Or a romantic evening walking around the citadel of Lam An and Tuong Duong to borrow the moon to confess your love is not a bad suggestion at all!​

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