The original game Lien Quan Mobile canceled the contract with a Chinese male star because of a shocking sex scandal

In recent days on social networks in both Vietnam and China, netizens in general and the fandom community in particular are discussing the new scandal of Kris Wu – Male star born in 1990, 1m87 tall. After accusations from the hotgirl’s “old lover”. Do My Truca series of other young girls have spoken out to confirm their acts of seducing minors, “hunting girls” in fanclubs, getting them drunk and forcing them to have sex without using safety measures (condoms), etc. . of this actor.

Actor and singer Kris Wu.

Do My Truc also accused Ngo Diec Pham of having weak physiology and having to take aphrodisiacs to maintain “ability” for 2-3 minutes.

Worth mentioning, this is not the first time this top male god has been involved in sex-related accusations (which must be said to be numerous), changing lovers like changing clothes,… But this time the incident is especially serious. important to Kris Wu’s career when directly related to minors as well as the female lead said there was enough evidence to send him to prison for 10 years.

Before the biggest boycott storm ever in Cbiz (but probably only equal to the “scandal” of the goddess of youth Trinh Sang), a series of brands that Ngo Diec Pham represents such as Lancome, Tuborg, … have had to hide the post and terminate the contract with him, including the game King of Glory (original game by Arena of valor).

Vuong Gia Vinh Dieu announced the end of cooperation with actor Ngo.

On the official Weibo page, Vuong Gia Trinh Dieu confirmed the end of cooperation with Kris Wu in the first half of 2021 and will not renew the contract with this star in the near future. Netizens simultaneously applauded this extremely tough move of the famous Chinese MOBA game. Many people even believe that all of Ngo Diec Pham’s activities should be boycotted to demand justice for the female artists who were harassed by him.

King of Glory is the original game of Lien Quan Mobile.

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