Tales of Arise – Japanese ARPG masterpiece is about to offer a free Demo

Recently, the manufacturer Tales of Arisegrandfather Tomizawa Yusuke held a live Q&A session and showed off some of the upcoming RPG’s features for the first time. The livestream revealed some selected information and new scenes of Tales of Arise.


Skit is a familiar feature of the Tales franchise – along the way, team members will chat and initiate conversation threads. Unlike many RPGs today, the skits of Tales games have elements similar to visual novels, with 2D images of the characters displayed along with dialogue. In Tales of Arise, skits have 3D graphics and become more vivid thanks to alternating panels and characters, giving players the feeling of watching a movie.

Skits may include some scenes about “life feature” like fishing, farming and preparing some delicious dishes. Mr. Tomizawa pledged that the game will have “many types of fish, both good and bad.”

At the campsite, characters can increase intimacy by chatting directly with each other. The livestream also introduced combat elements and some DLC costumes. Costumes will be Tales of Arise’s only DLC – Bandai Namco There are currently no plans to develop additional story content for the game.

Mr. Tomizawa also announced that the Tales of Arise demo will be released in the near future, before the official release of the game. The PC version won’t disappoint like some previous Tales games, with support for custom key bindings, a 144 Hz refresh rate, more graphics options and photo modes, just like the console versions. Tales of Arise is scheduled for release on September 10.

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