Super product Black Myth announced the official launch date

Entering December, another season of The Game Award has come to the gaming community as scheduled. As you know, this event dubbed the “Oscars of the gaming industry” is not only dedicated to honoring excellent games of the year but is also an opportunity for developers to announce the latest images and information about their games. its new product. One of the names that received the attention of many players in this year’s event is Black Myth: Wukong (Dark Myth: Wukong).

Announced at The Game Award 2023, the new teaser trailer arrives Black Mythology gives us another interesting look at the title role-playing game have inspiration from Journey to the west This. Throughout the trailer is a part of the character’s opinion about the so-called “fairies” and “people with destiny”.

In particular, no longer let players continue to speculate, Game Science also revealed information about the official release date of Dark Myth. Accordingly, the game will launch on August 20, 2024 on PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC platforms.


First announced in August 2020, Dark Legend: Wukong is the studio’s key project. Chinese games Game Science. The game makes a strong impression with attractive gameplay, beautiful graphics and a thrilling storyline inspired by Journey to the West – one of China’s “Four Great Works”. However, the developer will exploit a completely different perspective than what we are familiar with before.​

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