Starfield will receive an expansion and many updates in 2024


At the beginning of this month, Bethesda Game Studios has revealed that they are working on new ways to move around in-game, mod support, and more content for Starfield. Recently, the developer announced Starfield’s plans for 2024 through the release update end of the year.

Specifically, Bethesda shared that: “We’re adding new ways to get around and players can now view city maps while exploring major cities. For those who love spaceship design , we will be expanding ship customization with new decoration options, ship builds, etc. Starfield will also have new gameplay options. With these new settings, players can change the way they play to suit your preferences, and for those looking for something more challenging, this experience will go beyond the usual ‘difficulty’. New updates will make it easier for players to customize Adjusted transport limits, cargo access distance, new survival mechanics and more.”


Bethesda says these updates will start rolling out in February at a frequency of about once every six weeks. Following the launch of ship customization and new gameplay options, official mod support – Creations will be released. The developer also revealed expanded version Starfield’s first, Shattered Space, expected to launch next year. Shattered Space will introduce many new content including story, exploration areas, equipment, etc

In addition, the developer also revealed interesting statistics about Starfield players in 2023 so far. To date, Starfield players as a whole have spent 22,284,331 days and 40 hours as the average play time per person. They spent 26,027,845 hours on spacecraft design and have set foot on 1,972,345, 902 planets. Ecliptic has caused 12,276,466 players to die and is the most dangerous force. Readers can learn details about other interesting data and plans to update Starfield in 2024. here.


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