Shocked at Streamer Vu Trung Cao receiving 400 million Stars in just one Livestream

Master Cao nice Vu Trung Cao is a very familiar name in the world Streamer and is well known through the PUPG Mobile game and platform Facebook Gaming. Streamer comes from Takademy and affiliated OTA Network This company has achieved impressive achievements such as reaching TOP rank 1 in North America and owning 3 Master rank levels (highest). Recently, Teacher Cao just achieved the highest position in PUBG season 16.

During his livestreams, he always attracts a large number of viewers. With his humorous, charming way of speaking and his superb technical gaming style, he often receives donations from fans, a form of donating money to idols during livestreams.​

The male Streamer’s fanpage attracted more than 171 thousand followers.

It is also because of his attraction to the community that this handsome Streamer received a lot of support on his first daughter’s first month. There during the Livestream, Vu Trung Cao received a literal “rain of donations” in total Stars fall up to 1.8 million, which is about 450 million VND. It is known that this is a new record on the Facebook Gaming platform, surpassing the number of Donate Stars that Streamer ABCT36 Gaming received in the past. With this impressive number, Vu Trung Cao Gaming officially became the Streamer with the most Donations in a Livestream ever on the Facebook Gaming platform at.

Beautiful appearance of hotgirl Thi Thi – male Streamer’s wife.

Not only talented in Livestream work, Vu Trung Cao is also known for having a beautiful, dream-like home. The fairy-tale love story of the multi-talented Streamer and the famous hotgirl Thi Thi in the online community made fans restless for a long time. Not long ago, he and his wife just welcomed their first daughter.

Streamer Vu Trung Cao and his beautiful hotgirl wife.

Like many other fathers, Streamer often posts pictures of himself taking care of his children, and his wife often shows off the moments when his father is working to help his wife while also taking care of his children like a family man.

Teacher Cao’s moment of working while taking care of his children made fans excited.

To celebrate the full month anniversary of their first daughter, the Streamer couple did not hesitate to show off to the online community the beautiful image of their daughter, inheriting the beauty of both mother and father, as well as announcing this good news to fans in a video. My latest livestream. The most unexpected thing is that the online community was extremely excited about this moment and sent many wishes to the male streamer’s family and the huge donation amount.

Some pictures of fans constantly sending wishes and giving stars to the Streamer family:


According to the male Streamer’s share, this is the largest donation he has ever received. That shows the fans’ immense love for him as well as the online community’s interest in the male Streamer’s home. This is the result of his focused efforts and careful investment in his livestreams, but also puts him under greater pressure in terms of fans’ expectations. From there it can develop further.

It can be seen that, with the love of many fans and his current happy home, Vu Trung Cao is increasingly sublimating in his gameplay and work. Hopefully in the near future he will continue to maintain his form and develop further in the Gaming and Streamer fields he pursues.

Known now Vu Trung Cao are operating centrally on the platform Facebook Gaming under the management of Takademy. Readers are fans Vu Trung Cao Gaming You can follow his Fanpage here:​

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