Revealing a new game based on the famous horror series Paranormal Activity


The company’s famous horror movie franchise Paramount, Supernatural (Paranormal Activity) is officially being adapted into a game in collaboration with an interesting developer and publisher. In the entertainment world, Paramount is a well-known media conglomerate and the success of the Paranormal films has created a new wave of horror films, providing the perfect content for adaptations. into a video game.

The evolution of horror games over the years has spawned some great sub-genres to the gaming world. From survival horror titles like Resident Evil and Alan Wake 2 to emotional, narrative-driven stories like The Last of Us, the genre has an incredible ability to narrate The story is deeper in a horrifying and equally fascinating way. The ever-evolving horror genre has helped found-footage horror games become scarier for many players in recent years. And this is the perfect time to develop a game based on the Paranormal series.

Publisher DreadXP and developer DarkStone Digital is in the process of creating a Paranormal game for Paramount titled Paranormal Activity: Found Footage. DreadXP and DarkStone Digital are the duo behind indie horror games that leave players haunted like The Mortuary Assistant and My Friendly Neighborhood. The developer of both games mentioned above is currently the co-director and creative director of DreadXP, Mr. Brian Clarke will lead the development of the game about Paranormal Phenomena.

Although the release date for Paranormal Activity: Found Footage has not been revealed, the team behind the game has given some details about what the title will bring at launch. Not only will Found Footage include iconic footage from the popular Paranormal Activity franchise, but the game will expand upon the film’s vast lore.

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