Remnant 2 plot: Yaesha and N’Erud (Part 3)


N’Erud is a giant structure capable of moving through space at indescribable speeds. It was built as the second home of the Drzyr, a species with a long history and extremely advanced technology, mastering the power of matter and energy, controlling biology at will and accumulating Deep knowledge of time and space. Drzyr society is divided into many different classes or professions, including Seeker, Astropath, Xul, Phetyr and Ofildi. In it, Seeker plays a central role, the heart of the Drzyr people. Astropath is vision, Xul is mind, Phetyr is strength, and Ofildi is the working class, those who work at the bottom.


Having existed for millennia, the Drzyr species began to feel curious about the endless space beyond their planet. Therefore, they built N’Erud and used it to travel throughout the universe, searching for other sentient life outside their own species. Instead, they stumbled upon something even greater: the center of the universe, the Creator’s Throne.


The Creator’s Throne is, in fact, a giant black hole called Alepsis-Taura located at the center of the universe. The Drzyr believe that the meaning of life, of existence, of everything they are looking for lies in that black hole. Therefore, the Drzyr decided to drive N’Erud into the black hole, with the belief that N’Erud’s steadfastness would protect them on the trip.

Obviously, that belief did not bring the desired results. Most of the Drzyr people have perished, most have turned into lifeless walking corpses, the rest have turned into wandering ghosts, only a few special individuals still exist. About a hundred years after N’Erud entered Alepsis-Taura, it escaped the black hole, but its return was not good news.


As it turns out, time between inside and outside Alepsis-Taura passes at completely different speeds. Outside, billions of years have passed, and the entire universe is now nothing but an endless void. The moment N’Erud escaped the black hole was also the moment the Traveler arrived here.

Depending on the starting point, the Traveler’s adventure on N’Erud will go in two distinct directions. If starting from Seeker’s Rest, the player will find the Seeker’s Key and encounter The Custodian, an AI created by the Drzyr to care for them while they hibernate during long journeys. There was once another Custodian created, but it rebelled and was defeated by the Phetyr Warrior class of the Drzyr. The Custodian the player encounters is a new Custodian.


The Custodian, of course, is extremely surprised to meet the player, a distinct life form that its creators have been searching for. The Custodian then explained the situation to the Traveler and asked for help. It turns out, this AI wants to drive N’Erud into the black hole again, believing that it is the horizon of truth that the Drzyr have always sought. To do that, it needs to possess 3 Seeker’s Keys hidden everywhere on N’Erud.

Gathering all 3 keys, the player will open the door leading to Sentinel’s Keep. Here, players will have to face Sha’Hala: Spectral Guardian of N’Erud, the Guardian of this world. Defeat it and report to The Custodian. After 24 hours, N’Erud will officially enter Alepsis-Taura and the player will no longer be able to teleport here.


Another story line of N’Erud will begin in Forgotten Prison, where players will come into contact with a mysterious character named Tal’Ratha. As it turned out, not all the Drzyr agreed with the idea of ​​flying into Alepsis-Taura, but they did not resist the majority. One of the most prominent opponents was Tal’Ratha, an Astropath who was declared insane and sent to the Prison of Oblivion. After N’Erud returned from the black hole, Tal’Ratha was one of the few survivors and wanted the player to help him in rescuing the Drzyr species.


To do this, Tal’Ratha wanted the Traveler to find the Soul Spark Cylinder and bring it back to him. After many difficulties, players will find this item. It turned out to be a cylinder containing hundreds of eggs from the Drzyr, perhaps the last remaining people of their species. During this search, the player may also encounter The Custodian, and is asked by this AI to kill Tal’Ratha. Whether they agree or not, players will have to meet Tal’Ratha one last time.


When he brought the Soul Spark Cylinder back to Tal’Ratha, he was very happy and offered to grant the Traveler a favor, which was immortality. To do that, the Traveler must let him eat his flesh, because according to Tal’Ratha’s belief, only then can the Traveler survive the test of time. Thus, the fate of the last remaining lives of the Drzyr species is also clear, they are “safe” in the belly of the crazy Astropath Tal’Ratha.


At this point, whether they refuse or not, the player will have to fight Tal’Ratha. Defeat him and return to talk to The Custodian, the AI ​​will then drive N’Erud into Alepsis-Taura again. It should be noted that, regardless of the story line, after defeating the final boss, the player will also receive a Segment as mentioned in the main story.

In short, N’Erud’s story is a tragic space epic about an advanced species that wants to find the answer to its own existence. They have an empty ending, like the endless space of the vast universe. Is that also the end for us when we try to find other alien life?


Yaesha is a world that is not unfamiliar to longtime Remnant players. This is the world that has appeared in all previous games, and now returns again. Yaesha was once a lush, wooded world of the Pan, a humanoid creature with goat horns.


The Pan people believe that everything needs balance, Life and Death, Moon and Sun, Ravager and Red Doe. However, that balance was broken when the deadly plague called The Root struck. Now, all of Yaesha was covered in a disgusting scarlet color. The Deer represents Life that has long disappeared, and the Wolf represents Death that has been corrupted and gone crazy. Most of the Pan people are contaminated by the plague, including The Laemir, the priests responsible for keeping the balance. Even the immortal Demigods are no exception. Kaeula, one of the two goddesses of the Pan people, has also been corrupted, becoming a hideous creature ready to kill anyone who dares. step into your destination.


When traveling to Yaesha, the Traveler will start from The Forbidden Grove or The Red Throne, from there coming into contact with two story lines of this place. In Forbidden Grove, players will encounter Bedel, a priest who has been infected and covered with a creepy red fungus. He said that at first it was just a small wound, but then it gradually got worse and led to the current situation. Bedel tells the Traveler about the Deer and the Wolf, asking the player to kill The Ravager, believing it can save the world.


The Traveler will then find the forbidden cave and meet the Wolf, now transformed into the Corrupted Ravager. It turns out that several decades ago, the main character of the previous game came here and defeated the Wolf, causing it to almost die, if not approached by The Root. The Root had “enlightened” the Wolf, giving it blasphemous powers, and now it was part of them. The Red Doe, the Deer representing Life that had disappeared a long time ago, turned out to be trapped in this cave. The Wolf asks the Traveler to kill the Deer to serve them, and the player can choose to obey or not. If they refuse and rescue the Deer, the player will have to fight the Wolf and kill it. Either way, the balance will be completely disrupted, and Yaesha’s fate seems to be coming to an end. a bad ending.


If the Traveler begins his journey in Yaesha from The Red Throne, the player will meet the Immortal Queen of Pan, The Eternal Empress. The Queen’s assistant will declare to the Traveler about the Queen’s Immortality, and ask the player to serve her. If the player refuses, he will be imprisoned and the Queen’s secret will be revealed.


It turns out that the Queen sitting on the throne is just a body double, and the real Queen is the Assistant. After Yaesha’s Guardian was defeated by the main character in the previous part, it was corrupted by The Root, causing the entire Pan dynasty to lose control over most of its territory, including where trees were grown. God Thaen. The fruit of the magic tree is the secret behind the Queen’s immortality. Without it, she grew older, and had to let others impersonate her to maintain her image in the eyes of the remaining Pan people.


The fake Queen will rescue the Traveler from prison, and ask the player to carry out the mission that the real Queen mentioned, destroying the thing that is taking over the magic tree and corrupting Pan’s Guardian. Only then will this world have a chance to be saved. The Traveler accepted, and began his journey to find the magical tree Thaen. The magical tree has now also been contaminated by a creature called The Corruptor, and it is also the one who is controlling the corrupted Guardian of the Pan species. Destroying The Corruptor, the Traveler partly overcomes the consequences left by his predecessor, and Yaesha may also partly regain peace.


There is a small note that during the conversation with the Queen’s avatar, she will mention that after the player defeats The Corruptor, the Guardian’s soul will be released. The Pan people believe that the soul will use the Deer’s body as a vessel to reincarnate again. So, if the player completes both story lines in turn, that is, rescuing the Deer and destroying The Corruptor, won’t Yaesha get her Guardian back and be protected from The Root? It’s very possible, but that’s just speculation, because in reality, players can only take one of two story lines. In addition, The Root’s power is too great, and one Guardian is probably not enough to stop them.


So we have gone through the entire main plot as well as the individual plot of each world Remnant 2. In the near future, the game will also release 2 more DLCs according to the plan that Gunfire Games has set out. See you at that time.

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