Remnant 2 plot: Main story and worlds (Part 1)

Remnant 2 Players jokingly call it Souls-like shooting, with many similarities to the famous Soul game series combined with third-person shooting gameplay. The game possesses a fairly intuitive main storyline, in addition to worlds with extremely attractive individual stories.


Main plot

Main plot line of Remnant 2 begins many years after the plot of the previous part ended. We can summarize all previous parts of Remnant simply as follows: A group of scientists discover the World Stone, a powerful stone that allows people to travel through different worlds. Through the stone, an entity named Clawbone bewitched the project’s leader, Dr. Haarsgard, to pave the way for it, also known as The Root, to invade Earth. The plot succeeded, Earth was invaded, and humanity was almost destroyed. After many efforts by the main characters in the Remnant series, Dr. Haarsgard, now corrupted and transformed into a dragon, was defeated and the World Stone was sealed, making The Root force on Earth unrecognizable. supported and gradually weakened. However, human civilization has also withered and must live in refugee areas to prolong its decline.


Returning to Remnant 2, playing the role of a Traveler, the player will accidentally encounter Clementine and Bo and be taken by both of them to Ward 13, a shelter that used to be one of the places to research the World Stone in the past. . Here, the Traveler met Ford, the head of Ward 13, who was also one of the survivors from the previous incident. Following Ford, the Traveler restarted the World Stone and watched him disappear into the stone. At this time, Clementine appeared. She originally did not agree with Ford restarting the World Stone, but arrived too late to stop him. A ray of light shot out from the stone, sucking Clementine in, making the Traveler unable to help but follow to find her.


The story begins to branch from here, because Remnant 2’s gameplay will allow players to journey between 3 worlds in a random order, with each world having a long storyline that will be told later. . In this part, we will skip over these parts to focus on the main plot.

After the adventure in the first world, the player will find a Segment and be teleported to The Labyrinth, a labyrinth, a way station from which other worlds can be teleported. Every world (except Earth) has a Guardian to protect it from outside threats like The Root, but many of them have been destroyed by The Root in one way or another. The Labyrinth also has such a Guardian, and it was destroyed by the main character in Chronos: Before The Ash (prequel to Remnant). Having lost its Guardian, The Labyrinth has been invaded by The Root and is about to collapse, bringing the collapse of all worlds.


In The Labyrinth, the Traveler reunited with Clementine and The Keeper, the entity that pulled her into the World Stone. It turns out that The Keeper is the entity responsible for preserving the survival of all worlds, and that survival is now threatened by The Root. To keep The Labyrinth from collapsing, The Keeper turned to Clementine for help, but it was not enough, as The Root disease had infected countless worlds, and the doom of all was looming. come close. At this, the Traveler took out the Segment, and The Keeper recognized it as a failsafe, a backup measure to prevent things like The Root from destroying the world. However, it is still incomplete, and needs two more similar parts to form The Index, which can destroy The Root.


Taking on the responsibility of finding the remaining two Segments, the Traveler continued to travel through two other worlds and succeeded. Returning to The Labyrinth, The Keeper received the two Segments, merged them into one, and said that he had tried everything to purify the worlds from The Root but had failed. Now, with The Index, there are only two possibilities left, one of which is that The Root wins, and all life is destroyed. The Keeper does not mention the second possibility, but opens a spatial door leading to the source of The Root, which was closed when this epidemic spread to all worlds. The Index is the only thing that can help The Keeper open this gate.


The Traveler stepped through the portal, and was transported to a parallel world similar to Earth, but completely enveloped by The Root. Through all the hardships, the Traveler stopped before a barrier that separated him from the source of the disease. At this time, Clementine appeared and helped the Traveler open that barrier, but at the same time weakened her to the extreme.

Stepping through the barrier, the Traveler encounters an entity called Annihilation, and must fight it in both worlds, the real world and the digital world. Although the Traveler was victorious, Annihilation seemed unable to be completely destroyed. At this time, The Keeper appeared, saying that The Root was too powerful to be destroyed. The two possibilities that The Keeper mentioned, one is that The Root wins, and the other is that The Keeper will use The Index to wipe out all life, bleach the entire universe to start over.


Clementine did not agree with this decision, she did not want the things she loved and the people she knew to be wiped out so simply. She stole The Index from The Keeper, then used it to absorb all life, all sentient beings, and even the entire world, turning herself into a vessel. When everything was completed, The Keeper alone remained between the endless darkness and a single point of light, which Clementine had transformed into. Just as The Keeper was about to leave, that point of light suddenly disintegrated, and slowly restored everything, including the Traveler. This is also the end of the main game in Remnant 2.


To explain this ending, it can be understood that the entire world is a computer, The Root is a virus and The Index is a tool to reinstall Windows. The Keeper wants to completely reinstall, which means wiping everything to start a new version. Meanwhile, Clementine turns itself into a backup file, also reinstalling Windows but from a storage point, not reinstalling completely. However, it seems that this action has not been able to wipe out The Root, and everything seems to form a loop. This is probably also to explain the gameplay that allows players to re-roll worlds in both Campaign and Adventure modes.


There are many theories about the game’s ending. It is very possible that the world the player travels to is just a virtual world, a “digital” version of the real world, created to store worlds that have been affected by The Root created by The Keeper. , but they themselves are infected, and the reset only brings everything back to the starting point. But because the original was already infected by The Root, sooner or later, everything will be repeated. The world of Root Earth is probably the real world, and has been polluted to the extreme.


Another theory is about the Guardian of Earth. In the Remnant series, every world has a Guardian, except Earth, causing many people to hypothesize that Earth’s Guardian is… The Root? It’s possible that, in the future, Earth’s Guardian is contaminated for some reason, then turns into The Root, and through the passage of time pollutes everything else. The support for this theory is because Earth is the only world without Guardians, while The Root’s origin is Root Earth, and Remnant 2 deals a lot with time loops.

All of the above hypotheses are all…hypotheses, because Soul-like games like Remnant 2 never give exact answers, but always let players find out for themselves and let their imaginations run wild. statue. This is also one of the most attractive features of games of this genre.

In the next part, GameHub will in turn explain the plot of the 3 worlds in Remnant 2, including Losomn (of the main game DLC The Awakened King), Yaesha and N’Erud. Don’t forget to read it, everyone. !

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