Police find missing 16-year-old girl thanks to… World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is the title role-playing game famous online game from a famous developer Blizzard. With nearly 20 years of operation, this game has attracted a large number of players from all over the globe. But surely few people expected that one day World of Warcraft would be used to… help police find missing people.

Foreign press reported that earlier this week, police in Florida (USA) rescued a 16-year-old girl thanks to this long-standing game. The culprit is Thomas Ebersole – a 31-year-old man currently residing in the city of Dunnellon (Florida State). Thomas met the victim through World of Warcraft and developed a love relationship online.

Thomas Ebersole

On December 27 last year, Thomas drove alone to Ohio to meet this girl and take her to his home without the consent of her parents. The victim’s family then reported to the police that their daughter was missing.

It wasn’t until last Wednesday that police discovered this girl logged into her favorite World of Warcraft game, the IP address displayed in Dunnellon. Thomas then also logged into the game with the same IP. The police followed this clue and found the missing girl. Thomas admitted that he knew the victim was a minor but still wanted to hide her in the house “with the plan to make her his wife”.

Thomas is currently facing charges such as having sex with a minor, interfering with child custody and harboring unmarried minors.​

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