Players will be able to pilot Mechs in Helldivers 2, if they can free the Tien Kwan

One of the most fascinating things about Helldivers 2 Its plot is played out through real-time interactions with gamers. In the intergalactic war of the Helldivers, players will truly have an impact on the war situation through each of their individual missions. With the cooperation of the entire server, a planet can be “liberated”, or repelled by the enemy, all of which have a direct impact on the game’s story. All are controlled by Joel, a developer at Arrowhead Game Studios, who serves as the game’s sole Game Master.


Last week, the Helldivers lost the battle on the planet Malevelon Creek, making the “tug of war” between players and developers even more attractive. Players are constantly sharing their best strategies to win, and developers are working tirelessly to respond in their own ways. Recently, everything continued to reach a new climax, when Arrowhead decided not to immediately release a new feature like regular updates, but locked it with a Major Order for players to conquer on their own. dress.


Tien Kwan, a planet currently occupied by hordes of Automatons, is currently the biggest target in Helldivers 2’s war. In the same way that Malevelon Creek has become an important place in the minds of players, Tien Kwan is on the way to becoming a part of their shared story. While Malevelon Creek attracted attention for its brutal difficulty — eventually earning it the nickname “Robot Vietnam” — liberating Tien Kwan was a realistic and rewarding goal. clear. Liberate the planet, and the player will be able to use the Mech.


The appearance of Mechs, or drivable combat machines, has been introduced many times by developers, and will definitely be an interesting feature that Helldivers players are looking forward to. Now, things become even more interesting, when it has become a goal that they themselves can achieve through conquering a challenge in the game. In addition, it should also be noted that the game has just undergone an update, adding extremely “realistic” and “catastrophic” environmental features, causing many players to cry because of the increased difficulty. . However, it’s all happening in the spirit of the game and the community is happy with the way Helldivers 2 is growing and changing. Of course, players also desperately need a victory to “console” themselves after the defeat at Malevelon Creek, especially when that victory also opens an important and popular feature.


The fact that this comes so soon after the failure at Malevelon Creek, and that Tien Kwan’s release rate has been steadily increasing since this morning, suggests that the developers may have been planning for a failure catastrophic to motivate players to rise immediately afterward. Because they can pilot Mechs, there is no reason to stop the Helldivers from liberating Tien Kwan as soon as possible.

Tien Kwan, dubbed by the Arrowhead development team as “the only facility to stockpile exosuit technology”, has now become a center of attention, not unlike important locations in military campaigns. actually. The way Helldivers 2’s conflict feels like an evolving campaign with strategic concerns, victories and losses, only helps its key moments have a greater impact within the fan community. . And that fan base, who takes every development of this fictional war seriously, is growing by the day.


Tien Kwan is also positioned as the only stronghold in a system of liberated planets, so after successfully liberating it, players will not only be rewarded with a Mech, but also an important victory. on the front where they suffered many losses. It may be quite simple storytelling, but it makes it easy for players to become engrossed and immersed in their “Hell Diver” characters. So, Helldivers, what are you waiting for, Tien Kwan is waiting for our “freedom under house arrest”!

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