GG Live: A solid launching pad for the future with the desire to develop the Vietnamese streamer community

The explosion of the streaming industry in recent years has caused streamer has become an extremely hot profession and is interested and loved by many young people as well as wishing to work in this field. Many young streamers, through their creativity and efforts, have quickly asserted their position in the community. With new content, they quickly attracted the attention of young people in Vietnam.

Not only does his popularity in the community stop livestreamthey – talented streamers of the new generation are gradually progressing on the path to becoming public stars, becoming positive inspirations for the young generation with dreams of starting a career and striving to conquer success. labour.

However, before becoming successful streamers and being accepted by the community, they also had to go through a development journey with countless barriers and obstacles. With the desire to bring the most honest perspectives on the streamer profession from the young people who are pursuing this job, our #Shareyourvoice campaign GG Live officially launched.

GG Live’s “introduction” with #Shareyourvoice has received a lot of attention from the community.

With the participation of talented young streamers and KOLs such as Quang Cuon, Quynh Alee, Kami brocade, Commentator Van Tung, Ha Tieu Phu, Duy Com, Mai Anh Tai, Martian Cat, Spider Gaming and YuGi#Shareyourvoice has brought stories for the first time about streamers’ past journeys with their own colors and special emotions.

Choosing to become a streamer is a lonely journey when having to go through it all alone. Our streamers all started their careers with nothing and almost all did not have the support of their families. Not only that, they also have to face pressure from the community alone in the early stages of pursuing a streamer career.

Faced alone with pressure and negative comments from the community, how did our streamers overcome it?

Along with that, there are also many incidents, difficulties, and obstacles that our streamers have to go through throughout that journey. It seemed that these difficulties would defeat them, but their own efforts as well as the support of their followers helped the streamers overcome everything and continue to persevere in pursuing their passion until the end. Now.

There are still many interesting stories and shares about the streamer profession waiting for you to discover with #Shareyourvoice. Through this campaign, GG Live hopes to help people have a different view of the streamer job as well as the people pursuing and working in this field.

Although there are still many difficulties, streamer is still a job with a lot of development potential and GG Live is ready to accompany talented young streamers.

Understanding the difficulties of streamers when they first start their career, GG Live hopes to accompany young people with passion on their upcoming journey and help them “do their job” in the most enthusiastic way. Stability is the goal that GG Live aims to help streamer become a profession that is accepted by many people, requiring creativity, change and flexibility.

Not only changing the Streaming industry in Vietnam, GG Live hopes to help Streamers so they can fully utilize their abilities and strengths, bringing many meaningful values ​​to the community. Those things will help people have a different view of the Streaming industry, bringing Streaming closer to life.

GG Live hopes to accompany and support the development of young streamers in Vietnam.

With attractive support policies, GG Live will be a solid launching pad for young people who are talented, creative and have the desire to shine in the online entertainment industry. As long as you are willing to show your own personality as well as be serious and passionate about your work, GG Live will help you pursue the path of becoming a professional streamer.

Sharing more about the vision and goals of the platform in the future, GG Live representative said: “With GG Live, making the community more open to the Streaming industry and making this industry popular in Vietnam while bringing Vietnamese talents to the world is the motivation for us to strive every day. . Through GG Live, we also want to turn individual inspirational stories into practical actions to develop other young talents.

Proud to be a livestream platform developed by Vietnamese people and for Vietnamese people, GG Live hopes to receive support and acceptance from users in the home market. With efforts to change and develop, the GG Live team hopes to bring stability and give a new direction to the Vietnamese Streaming industry, turning Streaming into a potential industry and opening up new career opportunities for young people with passion.

Please follow GG Live on social networking platforms to support, follow and join hands in developing the Vietnamese Streaming platform:​

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