Nine Yin Chan Sutra: Officially launched the super version of Kunlun Dai Chien, giving away a huge Giftcode


11 years of explosive presence in the Vietnamese gaming market, Nine Yin Chan Sutra continues to affirm the eternal journey with Super Version integrated from 5 large and small versions – Kunlun Dai Chien. This will be an extremely exciting event with the appearance of the 11th sect of the Nine Yin Chan Kinh – Kunlun Sect along with extremely attractive new updates, martial arts, and PVCs.

Wandering River – Nine Yin Forever “Fight”

Nine Yin Chan Sutra is true love, so players must “love it”. Until next time, the attraction of each New Version is not only the new updates and new sects, but players also look forward to whether the publisher of Vietnam’s top 3D swordplay game will bring media stories. What’s the attraction for this New Super Version?

As a characteristic color, the indispensable thing for the opening of the “bang” of the gangster world is the introduction video for Super Version. The trailer for the story of Kunlun Dai Chien was carefully crafted by the operating team from the script, character building, and created from 100% “home-grown” materials to bring true, familiar emotions that attract love from the community. fellow players.


Besides, the special thing for Super Session New this time is the first “reveal” of Admin in the legend of Thu Di – the girl who has accompanied Nhan Si Cuu Am for nearly 11 years. With a beautiful, fairy-like appearance that makes Nhan Si Cuu Yin unable to sit still, this is the new generation Thu Di – the guide to discover the new version of Kunlun Dai Chien this time.

In particular, in addition to the main plot for New Super Version, publisher Cuu Yin Chan Kinh also invested in producing the side story Kunlun Dai Chien. With the purpose of creating more fun and diverse perspectives around the story of gangsters, players can freely entertain themselves with humor and wit with Offical Black Pig or drama and action with Huy Oppa. Idol in the series Kunlun Dai Chien – The Untold Story.

More than a connection, more than an hour of companionship


“Form is temporary, class is forever”, not only keeping the promise of continuous updates and ever-evolving development, so that players can fully experience it. Before entering the world of top-notch realistic 3D swordplay, the publisher of Cuu Am Chan Kinh also supports the Artists with a series of special GIFTCODEs for the New Super Version.​

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Super New Version Kunlun Dai Chien has officially launched, fight today!!!​

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