Miss & Mister VLTK 2022 before the Final Round: Millions of votes to find 140 “super products”

The journey to find the next Champion for the Miss & Mister talent arena VLTK is going on very excitingly. The contest brings together tens of thousands of young men and women from 7 games from the Sword Hiep Tinh Duyen – Vo Lam Truyen Ky series, erupting in fierce competitions. Through two rounds, the arena has “distilled the essence” from 15,000 contestants in Round 1 and 5,000 excellent contestants entering Round 2 including contestants from PC games to name 140 masterpieces entering. Round 3.

The audience also enthusiastically supported the contestants on all fronts: from sending Roses in the game to calling on the community to vote for their friends. It is these things that have reaffirmed the meaning of the message “Hundreds of Wealth and Billionaires” and created the heat of this year’s competition.

Let’s look back at the “remarkable” achievements that Miss & Mister VLTK 2022 achieved after 2 rounds of competition before watching the fierce competition of potential contestants in the final round.

At exactly 10:00 on September 8, Round 3 – the final round of Miss & Mister VLTK 2022 will begin. 140 contestants from 7 games will continue to submit contest videos with the theme “Hundreds of Wealth and Billionaires” to continue calling for votes. In this round, the audience can give Roses to contestants from any game. The final result will be decided based on the number of Rose votes, the amount of interaction on the contest (video) on the fanpage and scores from the jury. Surely in the coming days, the community of Sword Hiep Tinh Duyen – Vo Lam Truyen Ky gamers will be more vibrant than ever with hundreds of outstanding talents from potential candidates for the Champion crown and a set of 45 prizes. billions dong.

Continuously follow the official information page of Miss & Mister VLTK 2022 to receive updated information and contestant rankings at: http://vltk.vnggames.com/.​

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