Directed by talented director who won two Oscars – Chloé Zhao, Eternals promises to bring profound content to the audience about a group of immortal superheroes with completely new faces, possessing cosmic superpowers. This new trailer for Eternals is only 30 seconds long but contains many new images of the movie, as well as a few familiar scenes that appeared from the previous trailer.
Eternals (Temporary translation: Immortal Race) is a film revolving around an alien race of the same name created by the Celestials, who have lived secretly on Earth for 7,000 years, and now must reveal themselves to save humanity by the evil group The Deviant: “We monitor and guide. We help them progress and see them achieve amazing things. Over the years, we have never interfered, until now.”
The film has a multi-ethnic cast of A-list stars from Asia to Europe including Richard Madden (Almighty Ikaris); Gemma Chan (Sersi); Kumail Nanjiani (King); Lauren Ridloff (Makkari); Brian Tyree Henry (Phastos); Salma Hayek (Ajak); Lia McHugh (Sprite); Ma Dong Seok (Gilgamesh); Barry Keoghan (Druig) and actress Angelina Jolie play Thena, a seductive warrior. The film is scheduled to premiere in the US on November 5, 2021.
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