Join Tay Du VNG and Viettel Telecom to participate in “Dance Challenge”, a super easy challenge to receive huge gifts

After 1 month of release, the theme song Dai Nao Tam Gioi performed by musician/singer Bui Cong Nam has created huge appeal on multiple platforms with millions of views and received “sweet” words. from the online community. The melodies “The devil can’t stop you…” have become a familiar thing to players when entering Journey to the West VNG: Great Disturbance in the Three Realms.


In order to create a new playground for Gen Z in particular and gamers in general, as well as provide opportunities to experience new things, Tay Du VNG has launched the dance challenge contest “Dai Nao Tam Gioi”. If you love vibrant dances, unleash your creativity on “banh cuon” music, or simply want to try your hand at a completely new playground, then join and shine with Tay Du VNG today. now.


Starting the contest from December 15, 2023 to January 5, 2024, Dance challenge is creating a “new breeze” to excite the Tay Du VNG community. Coming to this fun, players can unleash their creativity to create “new shirts” for the song Dai Noo Tam Gioi, this is also an opportunity for you to express your interests and personality.


Players only need to perform their entries to the available music with extremely cool and creative dance moves in many different styles. The unique qualities of the person making the clip will be the deciding factor in the winner of the prize worth up to 50,000,000 VND. The awards will be calculated from the viewer’s favorites and the Organizing Committee’s score will be evaluated on the criteria of investment level, in accordance with the theme song. In particular, players with creative and innovative entries will have the opportunity to win the Dai Noo prize from Tay Du VNG.


With simple rules and freedom of creativity, the contest has attracted a large number of players to participate and above all, the appearance of golden faces in the “village” of TikTokers such as Tra Dang, beauty Thanh Thanh Huyen, Uyen. My,… are the first contestants to catch this dance trend, helping to spread the super prize to the community. Dance challenge promises to be a new, creative playground and receive love and support from everyone. Above all, the contest is also a place for players to have connections, renew themselves from inside the game to outside the game and accompany Journey to the West VNG: Dai Nao Tam Gioi.

Now, hurry up and join your friends and fellow gamers in the challenge “Dance Challenge” to have a chance to receive extremely hot gifts from Journey to the West VNG and sponsor Viettel. Telecom. Visit Tay Du Dance Challenge now to better understand the rules and participate in the competition.

See more information here:​

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