It took gamers 5 years to bring Half-Life 2 to… Minecraft


Half-Life 2 has now joined the ranks of old games. Even though Half-Life 2 is an icon of the line FPS, but the title still carries many of the technical limitations of games from the past decade, such as loading screens between levels. Releasing a remake of Half-Life 2 may be a tall order, but a group of players spent five years rebuilding the entire classic FPS world in the map. Minecraft.

City-17 project not only focuses on recreating Half-Life 2’s iconic city, but also includes everything from the canals to Ravenholm, the Citadel, the Vault, and even Episode 1 content. , the ship used as the setting for Half-Life 3 or Episode 3 – Borealis also appears in the project.

The implementation team said that the City-17 project started in February 2016 and there is still much work to be completed. Black Mesa, Aperture Science Laboratory, all of Episode 2, and Highway 17 are all in development. Highway 17 is only 20% complete in the recent update.

The implementation team said that the City-17 project started in February 2016 and there are still many contents that need to be completed. Black Mesa, Aperture Science Laboratory, all of Episode 2 and Highway 17 are in development. Highway 17 is only 20% complete in the recent update. Fans can visit Planet Minecraft to download City-17 here.


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