Increase Internet bandwidth by X2 – Gamers staying at home to avoid the pandemic have a lot of fun

The Delta strain of COVID-19 is still developing very complicatedly in Vietnam. This makes people have to follow the government’s social distancing directives very seriously. But at the same time, to facilitate support for people, the government recently launched a telecommunications support package of nearly 10 trillion VND.


Specifically, for all fiber optic Internet services, bandwidth will be doubled and applies to all major network operators in Vietnam. For currently used or newly registered packages, customers will receive 50% additional data capacity at a constant price. Mobile Internet packages such as VX3 package (6GB/3 days) reduced from 20,000 VND to 10,000 VND; VX7 package (10GB/7 days) reduced from 35,000 VND to 20,000 VND. For localities that must implement social distancing according to Directive No. 16/CT-TTg, customers will be given 50 minutes of intra-network calls.

You can read the full announcement on the Government Information Fanpage here.

Commenting on this support package, people who are working from home or young students feel very happy because their entertainment activities, playing games, watching movies… are much more stable. . Not to mention the undersea cable line was also promptly repaired, allowing the domestic Internet connection speed to return to normal after a period of flickering.

It is expected that this support package will be deployed on August 5. All related information will be updated by GameHub for readers as soon as possible.

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