Cyberpunk 2077 has earned CDPR $750 million to date

The transformation of Cyberpunk 2077 from a product that was severely criticized to a game worthy of everyone’s expectations that brought huge sales to the game. CD Projekt Red. The Polish developer recently revealed that the first-person sci-fi shooter has grossed more than $750 million since the game launched in December 2020.


CDPR tweeted the news on March 28, taken from the company’s fiscal 2023 earnings report. On the fourth slide of the presentation, CDPR reported that Cyberpunk 2077 had grossed 3 billion PLN (or “zloty”, the Polish currency). That number is equivalent to about 751,555,500 USD, a huge amount of money.

The slide does not distinguish between income earned from Cyberpunk 2077 and income generated from Phantom Liberty, its 2023 expansion. However, as shown in the chart above, game sales slowed in 2021 before picking up in 2022 and almost doubling in 2023 when Phantom Liberty was released. In a deeper presentation, CDPR revealed that Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty accounted for the majority of the company’s revenue in 2022 and 2023, while revenue from games in The Witcher series was less. Speaking quickly about The Witcher, CDPR reconfirmed in its earnings report that 403 of its 627 developers are working on “Project Polaris,” a new trilogy of this IP.


In addition to the above good news, CDPR also announced that Cyberpunk 2077 will launch a free trial on March 28 for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. While this free trial only lets you play for five hours and doesn’t include access to Phantom Liberty, your progress will be saved if you decide to purchase the game. It’s a hefty download, though, taking up a whopping 99.3GB on PS5 and 103GB on Xbox Series X/S, so be prepared for that before you start. The free trial will be valid until April 1.

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