Conquer the world of Sword Heroes: Sword Dance Thien Hanh Ca opens the “great war of ten thousand people” in April

It is no exaggeration to say that for a long time, the Vietnamese gaming community has not been able to fully enjoy the atmosphere that is the trademark of “Kim Hiep game” such as: exhorting PK brothers to fire their machines, going to the stage to compete in competitions. skill levels, attacking castles every night, breaking things, showing off equipment, or even side love stories between couples.

Because of that, information about the game is both beautiful and has gameplay depth named after it Sword Dance Thien Hanh Ca Released in April, it is becoming a topic of interest and heated discussion among Kiem Hiep game fans. Is this game a rare “ray of light” on the market that fully converges the most unique quintessence of the Kiem Hiep role-playing game series?


It is known that right after opening the first Alpha Test, Sword Dance Thien Hanh Ca has captured the hearts of millions of players by drawing a story of swordplay during the Tang Dynasty that is not only enchanting and captivating but also an immersive world in beautiful 3D graphics, recreating in a unique way. Realistic and vivid scenery, unique historical characters and above all, an extremely wide map system.


In particular, each player will be able to participate in the adventure with 1 of 4 main character classes with fixed genders for each sect: Duong Mon (Bow weapon), Tieu Dao (Fan weapon), and Nga Mi (Sword weapon) and especially 2024 is the year of the dragon, so Kiem Vu Thien Hanh Ca has also caught the extreme trend when adding the “Hidden Dragon” sect (Dao weapon). Of course, each character class will possess a unique set of skills that bring unique strengths to each faction

In addition, the gameplay of Kiem Vu Thien Hanh Ca is also a special feature as it allows players to freely vary and develop a diverse skill system, with beautiful and vivid skill effects. This creates a new and engaging experience for players, stimulating creativity and exploration.


Kiem Vu Thien Hanh Ca also possesses a series of unique features such as good product displays, virtual incarnations, and diverse skins, creating a unique personalized space for each player. Not only stopping at PvE, the game also creates a dramatic PvP environment, challenging players in exciting matches.

In addition, the inter-server pursuit feature is the highlight that creates fierce competition and increases interaction between players. In addition, the game still has all the classic activities of the Kiem Hiep game series such as Tong Kim, Golden Boss Hunt, Vo Dao Hoi, Xa Tac Do, Loi Dai Cong Thanh Chien…


With all these factors, Kiem Vu Thien Hanh Ca is not only a quality game but also one of the most desirable games at the present time, bringing players unique and exciting experiences. impressive in the enchanting world of Kiem Hiep in April 2024.​

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