Chat with Minh Giau – The guy who proves his bravery as a Streamer

Just like many young people decide to stick with work Streamer other, Minh Giau also had to go through many difficulties and changes to adapt to the profession. Let’s chat with GameHub to learn more about the experiences of this 9X male Streamer!

Reporter: Hello Minh Giau, thank you for accepting GameHub’s interview invitation today. Can you tell GameHub readers a little about yourself?
Hello everyone, my name is Phan Minh Giau, born in 1993, my fanpage is Minh Giau. Because of my personality, people often call me the best coffee fan.


Reporter: Before following the path of being a Creator/Streamer, what job did you do and for how long? Why did you decide to quit that job to become a Creator/Streamer?
Before livestream I have worked as a machinist for a shoe company for 10 years. I decided to follow your streamer path Facebook Gaming for many reasons: Firstly, to satisfy creative passion and express one’s abilities; Next is to earn income…

Reporter: How long have you been involved with livestreaming?
I’ve been involved with livestreaming for 2 years now, but it’s been 6 months since I switched from Youtube to Facebook Gaming.

Reporter: What made you choose Facebook Gaming as your next destination to develop your career instead of other platforms like BooYah, Nimo…?
The first reason I chose Facebook Gaming is because I see the great potential from the community that Facebook has. Next, Facebook Gaming always gives new streamers many opportunities to develop, organizing many events to motivate streamers to strive to achieve their desired goals. Third, coming to Facebook, the source of income is extremely large, it is worthy of the streamer’s ability.

Reporter: As a Creator/Streamer, what interesting things do you think this job brings to you? And conversely, do you encounter any difficulties?
This job brings me a lot of interesting things, especially it helps me meet more friends and find some die-hard fans. The greatest value I receive is the love from my brothers after the live shows.
As for the difficulty, maybe it’s because of my limited beauty that I temporarily get little attention… (Laughs).

Reporter: It is known that in Vietnam, many people still do not consider livestreaming as a stable profession, so when you decided to pursue this path, did you have the support of your family, friends and relatives?
Since I started working in this job, I have always received support and encouragement from my family and relatives. On the contrary, friends around do not trust this decision very much. They think they cannot be successful or earn income from this profession. However, over time, I have gradually asserted myself and understood more about the work I am doing.


Reporter: So after 2 years of working, what changes have you made? For example, about personality, health or relationships?
After becoming a Streamer, I feel more confident and my ability to speak has improved significantly. At the same time, I also have more courage when others criticize or say bad things about me…

Reporter: Thank you for Minh Giau’s frank sharing in today’s interview. Before saying goodbye to GameHub readers, do you have any words you want to send to everyone as well as some young people who want to follow your path?
If young people want to become a Streamer, the most important thing is passion, Facebook Gaming will be the place to satisfy your burning passion. Always try your best because the better you are, the more income you will have and the better the gifts.

If you feel tired, stressed, or wondering about something, come to my livestream sessions. As you all know, I’ve worked in society for quite a long time and come into contact with a lot of people, so I have certain life experiences… I can confide in them so that you can ease a bit of your heavy heart. I will use my most honest experiences to answer the question, showing you more perspectives.

By the way, I would like to thank Gamehub, thank OTA Network, and TGame for creating the best conditions for me to become a Streamer of the Facebook Gaming community.
Thanks for everything!

Interested readers can follow Minh Giau’s livestream at:

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