Celebrating the 5th birthday, the gaming community excitedly sent wishes to Tan Thien Long Mobile

A 5-year journey of “changing skin”

Over the past 5 years, the journey of Tan Thien Long Mobile has left a strong mark in the hearts of the Vietnamese gaming community. Joining the Vietnamese gaming map since 2019, Tan Thien Long Mobile still attracts a stable number of players and continues to grow year by year. This game has become a “big house”, a familiar place and a witness of youth for many guilds, players who are passionate about the role-playing game genre Kiem Hiep in general as well as the novel Kim Dung in particular.


With a starting point as one of the game products based on the famous Thien Long Bat Bo IP, Tan Thien Long Mobile VNG has always strived and created many achievements in recent times. The game has 17 sects that have been released, reaching the Top 10 Swordplay role-playing games with the most sects at the present time and the Top 10 swordplay games worth playing as voted by reputable press units. Achieving more than 3,000,000 downloads and 100,000 followers on Official fanpage and owning 40,000 members on community groups.


Along with those achievements, with the motto of taking players as “the root”, Tan Thien Long Mobile has built an increasingly strong and colorful community day by day. From the appearance of diverse sects, new version updates to expansion of activities, state-of-the-art graphics to community building activities, Tan Thien Long Mobile has helped Tan Thien Long Mobile retain players over the past 5 years.

Grand 5th birthday party

With many memorable things after 5 years of operation, Tan Thien Long Mobile organized a famous birthday event with a series of super hot gifts to send special gratitude to its gamers. This is also a grand scale party with many interesting activities as well as the biggest tournament of the year so gamers can enjoy it to the fullest and continue their passion.

The series of birthday-themed events has come to the activity “Singing to Dispel Bad Luck”.

During the past weeks, players have taken turns participating in activities such as Five Years of Great Khac, Celebrating the Dragon’s 5th – Opening a Chest to Get Lucky, Birthday Theme Shop… and taking home countless attractive gifts. At the same time, gamers have the opportunity to experience the new version of Chan Menh Thien Long and participate in the extremely exciting Quan Long Tranh Ba tournament.

The wishes and affection of gamers sent to Tan Thien Long Mobile

Welcoming the age of 5, Tan Thien Long Mobile also received more than 200 entries through the Birthday Drawing event along with many meaningful wishes sent by gamers to the Executive Board. This is not only an opportunity for people to share memories and send gratitude to the game as well as the brothers who are working side by side day and night; but also shows the creativity of gamers. And most of all, these spiritual gifts are incomparable, helping the Executive Board to persevere and persevere, constantly creating new, more attractive and unique content in the future.

Gamers unleash their creativity when drawing pictures to celebrate Tan Thien Long Mobile’s 5th birthday

Strong development, surpassing milestones and reaching far

Up to now, Tan Thien Long Mobile VNG has been operating for 5 years in Vietnam and reaping worthy results. Now, let’s review and be proud of the recent achievements, which are the efforts and contributions from Tan Thien Long Mobile VNG as well as the community of more than 40 thousand gamers.

Tan Thien Long Mobile’s 5-year development journey

Tan Thien Long Mobile’s thanks to 40,000 thousand gamers

Tan Thien Long Mobile’s development roadmap in 2024

Overcoming challenges and difficulties, Tan Thien Long Mobile constantly strives to create real values, contributing to building a civilized gaming community and bringing practical meaning to gamers. And important milestones will be followed and reached further.

See more information here: ​

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