AOV Creator Premium League Final – Will the throne be called Team DK Monkey or Bac Troc?

The group stage opened with a thrilling and dramatic match on the opening day in Group A between the two teams Lord of Immunity and Virus Killer. The scenes that pushed the game took place continuously and lasted for up to 5 games. The game was always dominated by Team DK Monkey with good understanding and coordination, causing Destroyer Virus, despite having excellent individuals like Hao Sua, Be Troc… but still unable to win. .


The remaining names in Group A, War God of Disinfection and Vaccine Squad, although they played their best, with the overwhelming strength of the other two teams, it was difficult to go further. There, the God of Disinfection War, with his stubborn fighting spirit, continuously demonstrated fiery combats, but still could not overcome the Vaccine Squad. In the end, the Lord of Immunity team, led by DK Monkey, proudly topped group A, followed by Virus Kill, Vaccine Squad and finally the Kill God of War.


An interesting coincidence on the opening day of Group B, the “opening bowl” match also had a similar score of 3-2, soon showing the explosion of this group. Teacher


In Group B, the overwhelming strength came from the Bacteria Killing team led by Anh Ma. Despite stumbling in two games, Leader Anh Ma and his teammates still showed off their crazy sweeping power. Sharing the same fate as War God of Bacteria in Group A, Team Vaccin Destroyer in Group B did not have the expected results. In addition, it is impossible not to mention the regret called team Covy Go Di when they fought extremely heroically with an open attack style and only lost narrowly to strong opponents. We have the teams from bottom to top in group B: Vaccination, Covy Go Di, Disinfection Squad and at the top, Kill Bacteria.


After an extremely fierce group stage, 4 names from 2 groups were found to advance to the final round. The first match between Lord Vuong and the Antiseptic Squad had a very surprising result when DK Monkey’s team bravely overcame Teacher X. An even bigger surprise was in the next match. when Anh Ma’s Bacteria Removal absolutely failed against Hao Sua’s Virus Removal. The above result forced the two Group B teams to face each other in the loser’s bracket and the only last hope to be able to participate in the final was to win against the losing team in the match in the winner’s bracket between the two Group A teams. And the result was no different in the group stage when the two teams Lord of Immunity and Bacteria Killer were the winners in the winning and losing bracket matches.

The last ticket to enter the final will be the confrontation between the two teams, Kill Virus and Kill Bacteria. And it was a familiar result, a fateful final match between the two teams in Group A was promised on August 29 when Kill Virus once again excellently defeated Kill Bacteria. Will the team of Hao Sua – Virus Kill make a miracle and write a new page of history in the fateful confrontation with the Immunity Lord led by DK Monkey? Let’s look forward to Sunday, August 29 on OTA Esports for the champion of the AOV Creator Premium League tournament!

In addition to the fierce competition, AOV Creator Premium League also brings to the audience epic Solo Showmatch matches between Creators taking place before the final match to increase the entertainment for viewers. If you are a fan of tense 1v1 matches, King of Solo at the AOV Creator Premium League tournament will be a great destination for you.​


Not only that, a mini game taking place throughout the tournament is the Costume Congress for Creators to freely create outfits identical to the generals in the Coalition. This mini game is the way the organizers want to help the players relieve the heat and pressure of the tournament when the whole country is social distancing and everyone is at home. Hopefully this mini game will also bring laughter and joy to those watching the tournament thanks to the Creators’ surprising costumes.

Detailed tournament information can be found at:
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If you have any questions, please contact:

  • OTA Network – Official partner of Facebook Gaming in Vietnam.​

  • OTA Esports – E-sports information and tournament channel under OTA Network.​

  • NEWMEN – Brand that produces high-end computer peripherals and Gaming Gear.​

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