3Q Legend launches – Opens a series of “extremely intense” Top racing events with great “Iphone 15 Pro” gifts

As announced on the forums, at exactly 10 a.m. on November 9, 3Q Legend Officially launched version Three Kingdoms “The more you play, the happier you get” to welcome players. Since a few weeks ago, 3Q Legend has clearly demonstrated its appeal by attracting a large number of players waiting for the game thanks to its beautiful Chibi graphics, in-depth storyline, but also its attractive gameplay. Introducing and unique with free turn-based chess gameplay.

Nearly 60,000 people registered to download the game early after only 6 days of announcement.

Guan Yu joined the army of Wei – the unique Three Kingdoms

Not disappointing the players’ expectations, 3Q Legend has successfully recreated the super-realistic world of the Three Kingdoms through unique heroic historical battles. You will enter a dramatic adventure with great forces: Wei, Shu, Wu, and Quan. The appearance of famous generals such as Cao Cao, Lu Bu, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun, and Zhou Yu. Diao Chan… created a vivid image of the Three Kingdoms war.

However, the unique point that this game brings lies in the fact that Guan Yu, the legendary general with outstanding majesty and strength, chose to join the country of Wei (instead of the country of Shu as in the original plot). ). A version that has never appeared in any Three Kingdoms game.


The special game also has the appearance of famous Wind Gods such as: Nu Wa, Natra, Duong Tien, Loi Than… bringing a strong visual and sensory impression to players.


Extremely brain-hacking gameplay

Next, the gameplay of 3Q Legend still follows the familiar gameplay of the card battle series when focusing strongly on tactics thanks to the unique free turn-based gameplay, including 6 main generals, 6 supporting magical beasts that can help rotate the game. Change the situation at any time.

Players need to understand the features and strengths of each general and choose the most “effective arms” to form a satisfactory squad, so that they can gain an advantage in super intense mind battles with other champions. Opponents are seen as tactical masters.

Misrepresentation – Defeat immediately!

On the night of the 7th day of the 3rd, PK did not mention

Besides the unique storyline, 3Q Legend is also attractive because of its diverse features and combination of tactics and combat. Players will be challenged through PvP and PvE activities such as Quan Hung Truc Loc, Tranh Ba, Pinnacle Arena, Guardian Kho Luong… All of this is to give gamers an experience. full of drama and non-stop excitement.

Even players who want to have chill chill entertainment, join the generals to visit Du Ngoan, Dau Manh Sung, get hungry right to the Royal Banquet, or fall in love right to Fruit Bingo to evoke immortal childhood.

The military welcome party after the invasion was tense.

14+ unique PVP and PVE activities open continuously without time limit.

You also get Vip, 100 free spins and iPhone 15 Pro Titan

Not only that, 3Q Legend also makes a strong impression with extremely pampering gameplay for farmers. This is a rare playground where just by logging in you can receive free VIP points (maximum can be up to VIP 6) or immediately receive 10,000 KNB and optional Generals: Ton Sach, Cam Ninh, Quach Gia, Dien Because…

In addition, it must be mentioned that the series of daily missions and events are very attractive, the reward is a large amount of free KNB, allowing each player to accumulate and use in many future events.


On the occasion of launch, all players have the opportunity to receive the extremely luxurious iPhone 15 Pro 128G Titan version when participating in the Top Forces race.


Ultimately, 3Q Legend is not just a game, but also a journey to conquer and explore the world of the Three Kingdoms in a unique and creative way. The fact that Guan Yu joined Wei is just one of the special features in this game, and there are many interesting things waiting for you to discover.

Get ready to embark on a heroic adventure and build your own power in the Three Kingdoms world of 3Q Legend at exactly 10:00 a.m. on November 9!​

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