Vietnamese streamer had his house broken into by a thief right on Livestream

While many provinces and cities are having to implement social distancing due to the complicated developments of the COVID-19 epidemic, many thieves have taken advantage of the deserted streets to commit robbery. Some provinces like Khanh Hoa even recorded that these crooks were infected with COVID-19, causing the victim’s family to directly threaten their life and health.

The incident of a thief intending to break into a new house also happened right on our Livestream Hoang Khuyet TVone Streamer quite famous in the community and active in the program OTA Plus.

Hoang Khuyet TV – A famous Streamer overcoming difficulties in the community.

Specifically, when Hoang was Livestreaming the game League of Legends, suddenly there was a loud noise. Viewers themselves at the time also noticed this, some even commented that the sound outside was a bit noisy. But the seemingly small incident began to become more confusing when Hoang looked away from the screen with a tense expression towards the door.

Hoang’s next words immediately startled viewers: “Have you gone to bed yet…?” – Hoang turned to his relatives behind and asked. “Sleeping” – A woman’s voice replied. “Someone just opened the door to look into my house, everyone..” – Hoang said afterward. A series of subsequent developments made viewers assert that this Streamer’s house had just been broken into by thieves, even though they had not yet attempted to steal.

Hoang discovered that a stranger had broken into his house.

It is known that Hoang also had his house broken into once. Sharing on Livestream, Hoang said that in the past, criminals even beat his wife and sister, so he had to be extremely careful. Fearing that the crooks are still out there, Hoang also intends to Livestream overnight, perhaps because he wants everyone watching to follow the situation with him. Fans also continuously encouraged him and made comments advising him to watch the gate more carefully. It is known that the incident happened around 9:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. on September 1st.

The incident happened at the 2:58:00 mark of the Livestream.

Stories of crooks appearing right on Livestream are no longer strange to the Content Creator and Streamer community. Recently in June, Streamer Sterna Lewis was also threatened by a group of three men who held guns to her back while her two sons screamed in panic because they thought their parents were murdered. Russian female streamer Girl_fighter also encountered a similar situation, although the thief did not take anything but just destroyed her house and left.

This is a wake-up call for ensuring household security during the period of social distancing. Because the street is very deserted, thieves will take advantage of it to break in and even threaten to achieve their robbery.

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