Vietnam digital physical basketball wins Games of the Future 2024 – Phygital Basketball Invitational

After a series of unbeaten results in previous rounds, the team Thang Long Warriorsrepresenting Vietnam, advanced straight to the Finals of the digital physical basketball competition Games of the Future and had a fiery performance against the Libertadores Phygital Game team, representing Venezuela.


In the electronic sports competition (NBA2k24), the Vietnamese boys quickly created a 12-point lead over their opponents with a score of 20 – 8. Meanwhile, in the traditional sports competition, Vietnam are at a disadvantage against the opponent’s superior physique. However, perfect clutch shots helped the team win with a score of 35 – 31.

As a result, Thang Long Warriors became the champion of digital physical basketball in Vietnam Games of the Future 2024Physical Basketball Invitational

Congratulations to the Vietnamese digital physical basketball team, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Cuong, Chairman of the Vietnam Entertainment Electronic Sports Association (VIRESA), emphasized: “From the achievements and experience of participating in Games of the Future, Vietnam has more opportunities to better grasp this trend of combining electronic sports and traditional sports, creating a premise for developing more events and events. new tournament in the future, opening up opportunities for young people to have access to new ways of competing and gain special attention from the community and the ecosystem of stakeholders.”.


“Digital physical sports is a combination of outstanding modern advantages when bringing physical activity into the digital sports environment and vice versa, adding digital skills to realize digital transformation in the digital sports environment. traditional sports. We evaluate digital physical sports as a model with great potential suitable for development in Vietnam, in order to realize high-performance sports goals as well as create motivation for digital economic development when accessing sports. Sports as an economic sector”Mr. Cuong added.

Previously, the Vietnamese team defeated the Russian and Turkmenistan teams to successfully maintain the top position in Group A. After entering the Semi-finals, the team continued to face the representative from Cuba and won. 6-5 in free throws after two tied contests.

Games of the Future 2024 takes place from February 24 in Kazan city, Russian Federation. This is an international club-level event and the pinnacle of digital physical sports worldwide, leading the digital transformation trend with a combination of e-sports and traditional sports, including 21 competitions. This year, Vietnam will only compete in the Phygital Basketball Invitational – digital physical basketball, taking place from February 24-26, 2024.

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