ACE Entertainment was officially announced Tales of Seikyutitle farm game inspired by anime, where players can transform into multiple “yokai” different. In recent years, the farming game genre has exploded thanks to the success of beloved games like Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon. Many major game developers have also released versions of farming games. such as Square-Enix’s Harvestella and Sega’s Like A Dragon: Ishin. And upcoming, ACE Entertainment’s new game promises to bring a bold storyline Japanese mythology for this type of game.
The announcement trailer provided a first look at the game, introducing how transforming into different creatures (yokai) and using their abilities is a major highlight of Tales of Seikyu. More specifically, players can transform into different animals and creatures to perform farming tasks (transform into a humped pig to till the soil or fly around as a crow). Tales of Seikyu also has a variety of gameplay, including farming, cooking, dating and fighting. The game is looking for funding through Kickstarter and is expected to launch this year.
The world of Tales of Seikyu is inspired by Japanese mythology, with various yokai spirits playing leading roles in the game. Players will meet the crow spirit “tengu” and more than 40 resident demons living on Seikyu Island. These residents have diverse personalities, each with their own profession and interests. They will warmly welcome you. Players can make friends or fall in love with yokai, but note that you should not “cuckold” them.
The game allows players to fully customize their farm, you can build many different equipment in barns, fields, warehouses, etc. In addition, Tales of Seikyu also has a combat system reminiscent of modern action role-playing games, requiring players to confront terrifying demons.