The Chinese horror masterpiece Only Price Y 2 announced the final trailer, released this month

Launched in January this year, title mobile games horrified Y Price Only (roughly translated: Paper Wedding Dress) has created a huge craze in the Chinese gaming community. On the TapTap site, Only Price Y has up to 30,000 reviews with an evaluation score of up to 9.2. Following the success of the game, developer Xindong Huyue continued to release part 2 with the title Price Y 2: Trang Linh village.

Chi Gia Y’s story takes place in Trang Linh village, a village still marked by feudal customs. On the day of his wedding, young Ninh Tu Phuc suddenly saw his bride turn into a person wearing a white wedding dress symbolizing death, then both the bride and her family disappeared. Through the process of investigation, Ninh Tu Phuc finally found out the truth of the incident. All of the above ghostly events were acts of revenge by the bride’s sister. The bride originally had a twin sister, but people in this village thought that twins were a bad omen, so they threw her away from the temple, regardless of life or death. Outraged, her sister’s soul came back to take revenge…​



Only Price Y 2 Continuing to set the scene in Trang Linh village, this time players will explore more deeply about the strange customs and historical roots of the village:



Only Price Y 2: Trang Linh Village is expected to release to players on July 30 on iOS and Android.

Any feedback on the article, providing information or contacting the article should be sent to email address Mr. Duy (Editor-in-Chief): [email protected]

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