Shocked at a rare game disc worth 240 million donated to charity

Recently, an employee at the Goodwill charity fund in Texas unexpectedly found a game Atari 2600 extremely rare among the piles of video games and electronics donated to the foundation. This fund later organized an online auction to sell the game and after more than a week of opening for sale, the game went to the new owner with a price of up to 10,590 USD (about 244 million VND).​


Earlier this month, Alex Juarez, a Goodwill employee in Texas, found a copy of the Air Raid – a game for the Atari 2600 platform released in 1982 by Men-A-Vision as a donation. It’s not a very good game, but the square blue box design with the complete T-shaped handle on top makes it special.

However, what really makes the Air Raid so expensive is that it is produced in very small quantities. There are only 12 copies of the game sold worldwide and not many of them are available. A more complete version of Air Raid with full original packaging was sold for 30,000 USD (about 690 million VND) in 2012.​


Goodwill is a large nonprofit charitable group that operates more than 150 stores across North America. These stores accept donated items and sell them at a lower cost, both providing income for the organization and helping those who cannot afford to shop at large stores. I don’t know if the donor of this Air Raid game knows its value or not, but nonetheless it will help many poor people.

Any feedback on the article, providing information or contacting the article should be sent to email address Mr. Duy (Editor-in-Chief): [email protected]

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