Publicizing her love story, Japanese female star Tsubasa Honda damaged this game and lost tens of billions

Honda Tsubasa is a famous Japanese actress and model. Possessing a beautiful face and balanced body, the actress born in 1992 is always among the most beautiful stars in the land of cherry blossoms. At the end of June, many fans of Honda Tsubasa were disillusioned when their idol was revealed to be dating, knowing that she and her boyfriend had met while playing games together. After this news, the game that this female idol participated in developing also suffered.​

Honda Tsubasa

Not only famous in the film industry, Honda Tsubasa is also known as a true gamer and is very famous in the Japanese gaming community. She also participated in the development of “にょろっこ” – a game released on June 8 this year. When it was first released, “にょろっこ” received countless positive responses from players, but only 2 weeks later, when Honda Tsubasa’s love story was revealed, this game began to be “estranged”.

Many fans of the actress expressed that they were very sad because their idol had a boyfriend and had no energy to do anything else, so they quit and deleted the game. “にょろっこ” took up to 2 years to develop, costing 500 million Japanese Yen (103 billion VND), but before the capital was paid back, it was boycotted, almost killing the game, causing hundreds of millions of Yen in damage. Some staff members in the development team also expressed dissatisfaction with the actress, considering her the reason why their efforts of the past 2 years went down the drain.​

The game lost hundreds of millions of Japanese Yen after Honda Tsubasa got a boyfriend

Honda Tsubasa is also very famous for producing let’s play videos – a growing trend today, where players will both play games and add attractive comments to retain viewers. There are rumors that the 29-year-old actress can earn millions of Japanese Yen for each game she plays. However, her let’s play career is currently slowing down after announcing that she has a boyfriend.

Some other images of Honda Tsubasa:




Honda Tsubasa is known as one of the most beautiful short-haired goddesses in Japan

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