Panicked while playing a live game, a thief put a gun in his back

Occasion Call of Duty: Warzone New season release, female streamer South African “Sterna Lewis” also known by the nickname “Msbandiit” celebrated with a live stream on Twitch on June 19 last. However, not long after the livestream started, three men, one of whom was armed, burst into the female streamer’s office and threatened to rob and kill someone. The entire incident was recorded by Msbandiit’s webcam, readers can watch in the video below:

In the video, we can see three intruders, one was exposed in front of the webcam and one was carrying a gun. The female streamer and her husband were tied up and held on the floor by the thieves while they collected all the valuables in the house. The couple’s two sons (one 9 and one 12 years old) were also extremely frightened when they discovered the robbers. The older son, when he saw a guy holding a gun, agitatedly shouted, “What have you done?” because he thought his parents had been murdered.

The thieves stole cell phones, TVs, laptops, and other mobile devices, then put them all in the victim’s car and tried to escape, but fortunately, a teammate nearby was playing. Call of Duty: Warzone and Msbandiit noticed something unusual when they heard strange voices. He decided to call neighborhood security officers and police to the female streamer’s house. The robber group was also quite professional as they quickly noticed that there was a change. Before the police arrived, they fled the scene with only two watches, two phones and car keys. It was later confirmed that the phone and car keys were found in a nearby field.


Although there were no physical injuries, Msbandiit’s family members were clearly traumatized. The female streamer then shared: “When the thieves covered my husband’s face, I thought they were going to shoot him.” The incident is being investigated by local authorities and at this time, the identity of the robber group has not been discovered.

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