Ocean Gaming Center – Cyber ​​Game with 81 machines is about to open in Hanoi

Good Gaming Center chains Cyber ​​Game is always a great destination for young people when it comes to great entertainment opportunities and top gaming experiences with friends. Ocean Gaming Center is such a destination with an unprecedented scale, and above all, ready to serve gamers in Hanoi this March.


Located at 168 Ngoc Khanh, Ocean Gaming Center provides the community with a system of 81 advanced PCs of all “levels”. From the “standard” level with CPU i5/RAM 16GB/VGA 1660S, enough to handle all Esports games, to VIP configurations with 2060 Super and 3060, Ocean Gaming Center will definitely satisfy all gamers’ needs.

For the part of players who are more interested in the competitive aspect of games CS:GO nice ValorantOcean Gaming Center also provides screen systems with huge scanning frequencies ranging from 165hz to 280hz from famous brands such as BenQ, Asus or Samsung.


Not only that, for PS5 fans, this Cyber ​​Game also provides a 16-machine system with a super sharp 55-inch Sony 4K HDR screen, ensuring heroic matches on the virtual football field are always more realistic than ever. Comfortable and spacious infrastructure also helps Ocean Gaming Center be ready to serve a diverse and rich food menu, not to mention free and very safe parking, which will definitely be a big plus for Cyber ​​Game. This.


To learn more about the opening event and offers of Ocean Gaming Center – 168 Ngoc Khanhreaders can access the official Fanpage of this Cyber ​​Game here:​

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