Mouse: FPS game combining 1930s Disney animation style and Noir movies revealed release date

Back in May, when Fumi Games released the first images for the first time mouse, the game immediately made a big splash in the community. Just at first glance, with its black and white graphics and bold art style Disney, Mouse immediately attracted the attention of gamers. Currently, right before the new year 2024, Fumi Games has returned with a much longer and more complete trailer.

Mouse’s first teaser made a strong impression thanks to its unique graphic style

Mouse’s new trailer gives players a clearer look at the gameplay as well as first-time details like new weapons and enemies. The audience will also somewhat feel Mouse’s gameplay style, with high-speed action scenes and intense gunfights. All of this, combined with a unique graphic style, makes players feel like they are transformed into a Disney cartoon character from the 1930s, both adorable and a bit mysterious.

Fumi Games describes Mouse as a “stylish FPS shooting game Noir moviesinspired by the classic animated films of the 1930s”. Players will take on the role of a private detective who will have to uncover a “Dark city filled with gangs, thugs, and villains”. Fumi also revealed that enemies will behave like cartoon characters, which combined with the unique art style will make Mouse unlike any other shooter out there.


If you don’t know, film Noir is a style of filmmaking in the period 1940-1950 in Hollywood. Movies often talk about criminal activities in the underworld, especially emphasizing actions that involve ambiguity between moral standards and sexual passions. Characters in Noir movies often follow a certain framework, including a main character who represents good, a dangerous and seductive female protagonist, and a villain who stands behind and pulls the strings. .


If it follows the Noir movie motif, Mouse’s plot will probably also have the familiar features mentioned above, as the main character of the game is a private detective, a main character also very common in Noir movies. . Of course, it’s still too early to say anything, because in addition to Noir films, Mouse is also heavily inspired by Disney animated films in the 30s.

Mouse is expected to launch in 2025 on PC. On Fumi’s official website, the company also confirmed that they plan to bring this animated shooting game to PlayStation, Xbox and Switch.​

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