Kemuri – Demons are lurking, ready to hunt

In Japanese folklore, Yokai is a term that refers to all things spooky – from monsters, spirits to mysterious phenomena such as ghosts or whispers in the cemetery. However, in reality, when mentioning Yokai, people often think of something more tangible, such as kappa (water monster in the form of a frog that specializes in eating children) or tengu (creature with a fierce red face). fierce and long nose).


First introduced at The Game Awards 2023, Kemuri is a world that combines reality and the supernatural, awakening curiosity about ghostly entities in folk tales through the stories of my grandmother and mother when I was a child. Players will take on the role of a Yokai hunter, who possesses special powers with the help of a “Fox Window” to peer into the spirit realm.

“Fox Window” is roughly understood as the trick of creating a window with your fingers. Japanese people believe that they can make monsters appear in their true form by looking through this space. In Kemuri, gamers use “Fox Window” to detect Yokai and if they are the source of disaster, you must fight and destroy them. And because the Yokai in Japanese folklore are not always demons, they are cruel and dangerous but are sometimes considered gods that protect humans, so Kemuri is not simply a battle for survival. , players need to brainstorm to handle ethical situations, discover the nature of death, hidden truths and face the consequences of actions in both real life and the outside world. that.

With the first trailer, Kemuri makes gamers think of an open world in Spiderman style. However, in an exclusive behind-the-scenes video recently shared with IGN, Ikumi Nakamura – CEO of Unseen – the studio behind Kemuri said: “It’s a bit difficult to describe, I don’t want to talk about the open world but it’s not Probably because what is expected will be very different… I hope Kemuri will be a name worth looking forward to in the near future.”

Kemuri has not yet set a release date, GameHub will update readers if there is new information.​

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