International gamers are crazy about the Vietnamese developer’s voice that is like pouring honey into their ears


Created by Skrollcat Studio, Flower is one of the few games developed in Vietnam that resonates internationally and is eagerly awaited by the gaming community like any other game from the big guys. In addition to the beautiful, magical setting with hand-drawn graphics and extremely relaxing, gentle background music, Hoa also caused a stir among friends around the world with the sweet voice-over voice of female Director Le. Son Tra.

Last March, a gameplay video longer than 7 minutes of Hoa made 500 international friends drunk, not only because of the Ghibli-like graphics or relaxing background music, but also because of the extremely gentle voiceover. , gently melted the heart of co-founder and Art Director of Skrollcat Studio – Le Son Tra. Below the video, it is not difficult to see compliments about her smooth English voice.

“Oh my god, Son Tra, your voice is so relaxing. I wish I could hear you narrate the whole journey of this tiny character”/ “I already love this magical voice.”

“Really lovely voice, I want her to narrate the whole game”/ “The way she says Thank you is so cute”/ “The voice is so enchanting”.

“I’ve been waiting for 2 years but it’s worth it, her voice is relaxing and fits the game’s atmosphere very well”/ “It would be great if Son Tra narrated the whole Hoa game too.”

“Her voice is so great, I just want to listen to the whole game” and many more compliments for Hoa.

If you’re skeptical about these compliments, why don’t you listen to Son Tra’s enchanting English voice with the gameplay video below.

Hoa will officially be the first Vietnamese game available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5 and Switch on August 21.​


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