Hello General, introducing the hottest UR general in the upcoming meta


After the Update at the end of 2023 with the launch of Dragon Soul Trieu Van UR, which brought the love of many players, Hello General continues to release the next UR general to please gamers – the god general CHU DU UR with the Update “JOURNAL MENTAL INFECTION” Officially launched on January 19

Yan Shen Zhou Yu
is a strategist UR first, is also the champion with the strongest damage across the map currently. This will be the hottest champion in the upcoming meta because it clears PVE bosses very well and is easy to coordinate with many different squads as the main damage dealer.


Let’s learn about the power of Chu Du UR any

Viem Than Chu Du is a perfect back row champion, just possesses it Damage Extremely strong, natural talent can cause Damage across the mapand has good survival ability with skill 4 (every time you attack, don’t receive too much ST 20% own vitality). Yan Than Chu Du can be combined with many types of formations. You can play Sima Yi’s poison damage formation. You can also combine with Ha Hau Uyen and Lu Bu to deal damage all over the map.

Suitable lineup: Yan Chen Zhou Yu is most suitable to team up with Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi. Zhuge Liang will be the one to absorb damage from the enemy’s Trieu Van UR, and Sima Yi will be responsible for cleaning up the battlefield after Yan Than Chu Du deals strong damage to the entire enemy team. The top row can be customized with shield generals such as Cao Cao, A Dau, and Lang Thong.​


Immediately update the latest information about the huge updated version of Alo Chu Tuong at:​

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