Helldivers 2 appears “street knight”, ready to rescue gamers in danger

Campaign of Helldivers 2 Just ended successfully when the Super Earth army carried out the latest command, which was to activate the TCS – Terminid Control System on 4 key planets. TCS is a giant complex with special compound injection technology to control the Terminid species raging in the eastern rim of the galaxy. Helldivers participating in this mission will have to activate 3 silos in 3 neighboring areas, then protect it throughout the chemical activation period.

With having to move back and forth between silos and enemies that can surround from many directions, defending TCS at high difficulty levels is an extremely tiring task. Not only that, not every team has 4 members, making comprehensive defense more difficult than ever.


But at that dangerous moment, the Helldivers 2 community received help from a “senior commander”, one of the rare gamers to reach Level 50 with the rank of “Skull Admiral”. Posting on Reddit, Skull Admiral “.atasu” spoke up about being ready to help any calls for help from Helldivers. Using Stratagem SOS – a feature that allows undermanned teams to call for reinforcements, .atasu would be an extremely valuable contribution, even many times more valuable than the “500 kg independent gift”.


With his “knight” style, .atasu is compared to the phenomenon “Let Me Solo Her” of Elden Ring, who can be considered a “legend” of the fan community. Similar to the SOS mechanism of Helldivers 2, Elden Ring allows players to place their name right in front of the door leading to Melenia, the boss that can be considered the most difficult of all FromSoftware games ever developed. Any player who sees this tag can then perform a summon and call for help.

Let Me Solo Her places her “summon” tag right in front of the door to meet Malenia, allowing other gamers to call her to rescue her. One of the common images of Let Me Solo Her is the move to keep a safe distance from your teammates, then rush into a 1v1 with Malenia. In just a few months, Let Me Solo Her “solo” and defeated Malenia more than 1,000 times, an achievement that made Bandai Namco and FromSoftware extremely impressed, deciding to give him a real sword modeled after the sword Malenia used to use. use.


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