Frostpunk 2 – Survival game combining super harsh city building

11 bit studios announced Frostpunk 2the sequel to the strategy game that received positive reviews in 2018. Frostpunk 2 is in development for PC and is set 30 years after the events of the main game.

This is still a cold and harsh world, as oil replaces coal as the fuel that sustains city life. However, it seems that not everyone agrees with this change, so players will encounter opposition when deciding to abandon coal to search for oil.


11 bit promised an ambitious game, offering more meaningful choices, greater scale, and higher production values. The sequel is being developed by a team of 70 people, most of whom were involved in the production of the first game.


Frostpunk 2 still does not have a specific release date, but readers can find out more information about the game here.​

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